" you never could understand youself, the one that gives you misery you love, but the one that really loves you, you put through misery."
Michael P.O.V
Irs been about 5 hours and we haven’t heard anything. This makes me frustrated, everyone is in the hospital right now and her ‘squad’ is freaking out Bianca and lolo said they know who did it and decided to go after them They CRAZY. giney was crying earlier but she calmed down, Nathan her brother almost got kcked out the hospital her father made it but her mom is nowhere to be found that upsetted him A LOT, he called her and was sceaming from the top of his lungs. He ended up breaking his phone. Her sister was crying she still is and me, I have been a Mess especially the fact that I feel responsible I was there with her and I didn’t protect her. And I told her I loved her did she hear me did she not.
But back to the topic I feel like she was my responsibility like I am one to blame although everyone else was telling the total opposite. That’ it wasn’t your fault’ and’ trust me you couldn’t have done anything’. I coukd have. I should of never turned my back not for that split second that I did, I should of took her indoors maybe if I……. I saw her ex-fiance.
He walked next to her dad
- Hey whats going on
- Um cole is it
- Yea
Wait he barely knows his name what kind of relationship, Leila probaly knew her parents wouldn’t approve. I didn’t catch what was going on but someone swung at me and I swung back I don’t play that.
I stepped back to see who it was oh he want to figh. I can fight
- You cant take care of Leila like I did you know that she will never love you she loves me.
This is so girly I thought girls fight over boys not the other way around and I don’t even know this ninja he better get his behind somewhere cause I will straighten him.
- I swear if she dies im coming for –
I didn’t let him finish because of what he just said ‘if she dies’ negative much. I threw a puch at his jaw and it made him jump back a little. Nathan came and pushed him away. They got beef too.
- Cole you are not wanted here escort yourself out of the hospital
- No im not leaving
- Then stop causing trouble!
He moved away and pushed cole towards a seat. I was pacing back and forth when my phone rang.i didn’t bother looking at the callerI.D I knew who it was.
- Hey sweetie
- Daddy
- Whats up
- I haven’t seen you all day where are you
- Im at work sweety
- Its six and you don’t go to work on Sundays.
Really she had to be smart why couldn’t I have a child that didn’t care so much .. scratch that.
- Look daddy has an emergency
- Are you okay daddy you don’t sound okay,
- Im fine don’t be worried can I talk to your mother.
- Okay

All is fair with love and war
Novela JuvenilLeila Devonne, fell in love with an arrogant CHEATING bastard Cole Davidson. Leila is struck with his love and weak for his ways. after a shocking discovery was made there was no going back or should you think? to Cole's competition there is Michea...