greatest mistake

115 5 5

" the best killer is the one that strikes without intensions and rthinks only about themselves"

I just shook my head but couldn’t take my eyes off the door frame, I was stunned and thought my mind was playing tricks on me, I just turned around and Gave Michael a weak smile.

-          Emily why so early

-          Michael

The woman spoke

-          I have things to do

-          Are you sure that’s is it or you wanted to see me

-          Okay maybe just a little.

She walked in closer and pecked his lips, my heart twisted and turned it wasn’t a intimate kiss just a friendly one saying ‘ we are more than friends less than a couple’ but that still had my heart aching.

-          I’m sorry where are my manners

She turned to face me and placed her hair behind her ear.

-          I’m Dannia

She reached with her hand

-          I’m Leila nice to meet you.

I said forcefully just like when I was meeting Coles wife. She smiled like she knew things about me like she knew my deepest and darkest secrets.

-          Does you last name happen to be devonne

I simply nodded and she smiled softly, it was half fake and half genuine, eh who cares.

-          Leila Dannia is my beautiful daughters mother, Dannia this is my intern

I smiled knowingly and he said.

-          I see that you are distracted all day so you could go home now.

I looked up at him

-          thank you

-          Anytime.

I said bye to Dannia and Michael and exited the office I forgot I didn’t have my car an d cole didn’t get out of work to one thirty today, I would make Bianca drop me but what the heck I can wait for an hour.

                                              Michael P.O.V

I saw the way Leila looked at Dannia and I didn’t like it one bit I know bringing a child around her would upset her but it was unnecessary for her to be so cold.

-          Are you sleeping with her Michael

She popped the question as soon as Leila left.

-          Hi Emily, did you happen to hear what your mother said because she doesn’t realize that you are RIGHT NEXT TO HER

I emphasized the last part, getting upset.

-          Really bring Emily into it

-          Em,  can you go and your grandfathers office me and your mom have things to discuss.

She nodded and skipped away closing the door behind her.

-          What do you want Dannia

-          What do I want

I ran a hand through my hair tired at her mockery.

-          You better not be sleeping with that mans daughter he does not play about her

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