i still love you

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I don’t need you,but I want you, I don’t mean to but I love you,but love is temporary because everyone will break your heart bless those who gave it all to one person because we usually get it twisted,broken,and shattered.

The words rung in my head and I was shocked and traumatized I was so shocked I was ready to wet my pants my  mouth hung open then his words brought me back  to reality

-          Leila say something

-          Oh my Goodness Cole

-          LEILA

-          Col-

-          Give me your car keys

-          Why

He stormed in the house and picked up my keys from the counter and stormed off 2 minutes later he came back in the house

-          Why did you put it in my car

-          So you can remember  everytime you go out remember me

I stayed quiet and  walked back to the kitchen when cxole wrapped his arms around me

-          I love you Leila I want you for the rest of my life and I know I messed up but im owning up to it   and I put you through a lot I get that but I want you I love only you

A tear streamed down my face

-          How bout io take you out for breakfast

-          What makes you think I didn’t already eat breakfast

-          Cuz……..

-          Okay fine

He pressed his lip against my neck

-          I love you

-          Let me go get ready

Cole picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room he opened the door  and threw me o the bed

-          That’s not very nice

-          But you like it don’t you 

I rolled my eyes and smiled grabbed my towel  and headed to the shower I let the water run as I stripped off my clothes and when the water felt warm enough I went under it I was so into my train of thoughts when I didn’t notice cole until his arms wrapped around my waiste I could feel his friend getting happy I turned to face him then he kissed me he pushed me lightly me against the shower wall I moaned into his mouth I knew he liked it cause I felt his friend jolt up. Cole stated trailing kisses down my neckand then down my chest when he got to the bottom he stopped then he started to rub the top of my clit with his thumb I couldn’t control the mons that were coming out my mouth I didn’t like that cole was teasing me. Then cole came back up and I stared into those gorgeous eyes then he said

-          Leila ive missed you I missed this I missed us

He trailed off and started kissing me I immediately responded themn pushed him away

-          Cole I cant

-          Why

-          I just  cant

                                                 Cole P.O.V

-          What is it babe

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