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Yesterday Vicki wouldn't let me go to work. I didn't mind because I didn't want to go, anyway. She slept over at my place. I really missed her.

I woke up to someone calling me on the phone. It was an unknown number.

Unknown: Is this Lilac

Me: Yeah. Who is this?

Unknown: It's Harvey. Andy gave me your number just in case you wanted to talk.

Me: Oh, hey Harvey!

Harvey: How are you?

Me: I'm okay. Just hanging out with a friend. What are you up to?

Harvey: Nice! I'm just at the boys house. Extremely bored.

Me: Haha! Do you mind if I come over?

Harvey: No, not at all.

Me: Could I bring my friend?

Harvey: Yeah, sure.

Me: Okay. See you in a bit!

Harvey: Okay! Bye!

I hung up and looked at the time. It was 10:28am. I almost never sleep in this late!

I looked at Vicki to see that she was awake.

"Who's Harvey?" She asks.

"The boys' friend. They work in the same management." I replied.

She nodded. "So, we're going to see him?"

"Yeah. He said he's bored." I said.

She snorts. "So you're gonna hang out with everyone who's bored?"

I hit her arm playfully. "Oh, shut up!"

She giggles. "We should probably get ready, then."

"I need to text Prim." I said.

Me: Hey! If you're coming home I'm probably not gonna be here. I'm going to see Harvey.

Prim🐦: Okay! I'll see you when you get home then.

Me: Okay. Love you!

Prim🐦: Love you too!

I got out of bed and started getting ready.


Vicki and I are now outside the boy's block of apartments.

Me: We're outside.

Harvey: Okay. One sec!

He came outside and let us in.

"Harvey, this is Vicki. Vicki, this is Harvey." I introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Harvey said with a smile.

Vicki gave a small smile. "Likewise."

I climbed onto Andy's bunk. I only knew it was his bunk because of their vlogs. Vicki sat on the sofa with Harvey.

"So, what have you been up to?" Harvey asks me.

"Oh, nothing really." I replied.

"She's been-"

"Vicki." I interrupted in a warning tone.

"What's going on?" Harvey asks.

"Nothing. She just likes to tease me a lot." I lie. I didn't want Harvey to know that I've been crying my eyes out. Now that I think of it, it's kind of embarrassing.

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