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Andy looks extremely tired. I don't think he's slept very much.

Yesterday we tried talking to him, but he just yelled at us and asked how we know. He's heartbroken. I know Lilac would never cheat on Andy. Just the way she looks at him tells me she loves him more than anything. The way Andy looks at her tells me he won't break up with her. He loves her endlessly. You wouldn't need a genius to figure that out.

"Hey Andy. You alright mate?" I asked.

He didn't answer. He just stared at his phone with a blank expression.

"What you up to?" I asked.

He shook his head and sighed. "Nothing." He mumbled just loud enough so I could hear.

"You should talk to her. I know you want to. She has something she really needs to tell you as well. You should find out the whole story." I encouraged.

"Maybe later." Andy said in a groggy voice before getting off his bunk and going to the bathroom. It looks like he's been crying. He needs her, and he needs her now before he ends up doing something reckless and stupid.


I've been reading her text over and over again. Did she really not kiss him back? Or was that just a lie? I don't even know anymore!
I really did want to reply to her, but I just don't know what to say. I would be lying if I said that I'm perfectly fine and I'm not hurt. Even if she didn't kiss him, Harvey kissed her. The boys all know and she couldn't just lie about someone doing that. I mean, who would lie about something like that?

I took a shower. I didn't even do anything in there. I just stood under the water, lost in my own mind. I'm trying to make up my mind on if I should text her back or just leave it. I don't know what to do!

Then I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Andy, you've been in there for a half hour! Other people need to use the bathroom ya know!" Brooklyn yells.

Woah! I didn't think I was in here for that long! I don't want to get out though because it's warm and I don't wanna talk to anyone right now.

I turned off the water and got out of the shower.

🐦Prim🐦 (Surprise!)

"Lilac! Get up!" I yelled whilst jumping on her.

She groaned. "Seriously Prim?"

"You need to get up! If you don't I'll send Brooklyn and Mikey up here!" I threaten.

She looks at me. "What do you mean you'll send Brooklyn and Mikey up here?"

"We came to check up on you." Brooklyn's voice came from the doorway to Lilac's bedroom.

She stares at them for a few seconds. "Oh...hey."

She looks terrible! She has big, dark bags under her eyes and she's extremely pale. She almost looks sick!

"Prim, can you step out of the room for a few minutes please?" Lilac asks.

"Yeah, sure." I replied. I walked out of the room and Mikey closed the door after I was out.

What's going on with them?


Mikey closed the door after Prim left my room and both Brooklyn and Mikey walked over to my bed. Brooklyn laid beside me whilst Mikey just sat on the edge of my bed.

Addicted To You // Andy Fowler (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now