Our First Floor Challenge

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"Groups you must go against one another, well that is if you are in the last 4." I saw the one in the middle smirk. "3rd will go against 5th, 4th against 6th. Now, how about we get this show on the road!" One in the back yelled looking frustrated. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the handsome Luke's jaw clenched while he yelled out in anger, "So what if we don't go through with it what if we all fucking rebel??" The court looked very satisfied with what he said.

"Well if you choose to rebel we will kill you all. We will destroy all your belongings and will murder your family leaving you as if you never stepped foot on this Earth." My eyes widened, I heard whimpers and cries in the back but I didn't care to look. Right now they just threatened our families, and us to die.

"Now the first challenge will be a little scavenger hunt!" The one farthest to the right in the front smiled clapping his hands, "Groups you will be assigned one item to go search for,

Group 1, a red flower painting

Group 2, a purple rose

Group 3, a floral frame

Group 4, a floral wallpaper

Group 5, a gold flower

Group 6, an orange flower painting

If any of you fail to find your item you will immediately be killed. Now off I wouldn't wanna be in the last 4 of I were you.." He smirked looking at us as Ellie and I scurried off.

"Ellie you know this place like the back of your hand right?" She eagerly nodded in my response.

"I know exactly where the purple rose is. But it's a big hassle." I nodded as she ran down the white-walled hallway. She reached a room and then stopped as she opened the door. There it was, A beautiful purple rose, encased within the glass. "Please don't do anything stupid," Ellie spoke to me as she carefully walked into the rooms. She reached the case using her fingerprint to unlock the case. She delicately took the flower. "That wasn't that big of a hassle why would they make us get something so simple?"

"Because the rest are simple too. It's all a matter of who gets there the fastest." I nodded my head as we took off down the halls. We soon started to see the other groups behind us, Ellie ran faster, but I tripped. I fell on top of Luke who was right behind us. "My apologies.." He looked at me then jumped up and ran up to Jamie. I stood and sprinted towards Ellie, soon passing Luke and Jamie. Once we hit the garden two teams were already, we made third, we would have to fight. Ellie showed them the purple rose setting it down were the other teams placed their belongings, one floral wallpaper and an orange flower painting were set down. The teams were sitting down relaxing since this wouldn't affect them at all.

I sighed to myself as Luke and Jamie came running in looked sad and they saw us, three teams, already here. The last two teams slowly came in rushing with all their might. I sighed as I saw Bard, Kim, Kat, and James rush in. They were all so nice to me, I hope nothing happen to them. But something might for our survival.

I looked over to Ellie in worry while she shrugged. "Groups will now be teamed up. 1st place and 2nd place or Groups 4 and 6 are now team 1, Groups 2 and 5 are now team 2, and Groups 1 and 3 are now team 3. You will be sleeping with your team tonight, tomorrow morning group 2 and group 1 will battle to the death." the one farthest to the left said, as she sat down smiling. The screen shut off as we scurried inside.

Our team went to the living room, Ellie spoke up, "Guys I know the tales of this place. I never thought them to be true.." she shut the door while I gazed up at her with amusement, "I caused this and now people are gonna die because of it!" She broke down crying, I ran to her side cuddling her while she cried into my shoulder. Luke's eyes were wide as were Jamie's, I don't care what she was talking about I just needed to comfort her, and this was comforting me for the harsh reality of tomorrow.

Either be killed

Or kill

I sighed and sat down on the couch taking Ellie with me. The light dimmed and slowly turned off as I heard Luke's voice, "Lex was it?"


"I need to make you a promise.."

I looked at him in pure confusion even if he could see it, "why?"

I could see the bright white pearls he called teeth looking at me, "Because I need to protect you, my sister was very fond of you last night, even though you were new. I am going to make a promise to always stand by you no matter if we were put against each other." I saw his hand, his pinky outreached, "I need to do this for her, she might get killed and this would be her last wish. Just please.." I could hear the sadness in his voice as I took his pinky with mine, feeling the tears welled up in my eyes.

"Now go to sleep Princess.."He mumbled as I heard him shuffle away.

Sleep overtook me very quickly.

Oh, the horrors that await tomorrow.


Hey guys!!

Who do you think will survive to see the next day?

Let me know in the comments below!

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