Please Stop Fighting

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I soon woke up, looking over to my side seeing a sleeping Ed. I laughed as I got a bucket of water from the sink and dumped it on his head as he jumped straight outta sleep. But then reality happened.

Ellie is dead.

Jamie wants to kill me.

Carter died.

I could be next.

I sighed and looked outside the room to find us still in this horrible nightmare. Ed's hands was soon on my shoulder. I turned to him and leaned back, closing my eyes hoping to absorb this loving moment I haven't had with him in so long.

Soon the speakers went off motioning us to get up and go to the screen room. Since most chaos was dealt with, I would assume that it would be something simple like the first floor, a simple easy scavenger hunt, just without the fighting and killing.

Ed and I were making our way over to where the screen normally is when Jamie jumped out at us. Her short blonde hair was frizzed up as her once soft grey eyes, were harsh and burning with hate. She looked as if she were ran over twice and was out to kill the driver.

And I was that driver.

Welp, Im gonna die today great way to start it off. I felt Ed's grip on my shoulder tightened as I made eye contact to his vibrant green eyes. I sighed as Luke came walking by, distracting me for a good 5 minutes.

Edward looked at Luke, mentally telling him to come get me, Mark soon walked into the screen room, not noticing our gang piled up in the other side of the hall.

Then Jamie cracked.

Her body flew up into the air as if it were to take off into flight, as she pounced on me. I was the prey to the lion and now I was going to die and be with Ellie. I sighed and let it happened, I shut my eyes waiting for the blow to happen.

Soon lightness reached my eyes, was I dead?

I turned to my side seeing Edward and Jamie fighting. Edward's face a bloody mess as he didn't try to fight back but only to stop the quarrel. Jamie however looked worse than before, her hair was sticking up from all the blood, making her hair a pink color. Her grey eyes were completely blood shot, she was going crazy.

Jamie made the punched count as she destroyed his face, making it into a bloody mess. Edward finally punched her back straight into the face but he was to late. Jamie already hand a pointed stick and shoved it deep into his stomach. He quickly fell back and gave into his fate. The pool of blood circling around his body enlarged by the second.

Jamie smiled and gazed towards me and Luke. We both ran into the screen room before anything could happen between us. I turned towards the screen, ignoring the tears streaming down my face along with blood from the back of my head. The screen was already on, but now showing the end of the match between my brother and Jamie. I felt the rage build up in me but I couldn't get it out.

I turned towards Mark, seeing him worse than I. His cheek flowing with tears like they were never going to stop, the light that was once in his eyes were gone as they became a red mess, and his hair frantic and everywhere.

I frowned and hugged him as he pushed me away, his eyes left mine and went straight to Jamie's. I could feel her fear from his gaze as she took a seat. The court soon flashed onto the screen.

"Well it seems like everyone's here. Now this is fighting to the death, only 2 people can make it up to the next floor, since we see that one of you were already taken care of before this meeting we suggest that you hurry up. The doors will not open up till only 2 people are left. Good-Bye"

I turned my head back and forth as the screen went black. I stood up and ran over to my brothers body, seeing Mark already there with fire and hatred in his eyes as he looked at Jamie. It was a million times worse than what Jamie gave me earlier.

I felt a sharp pain in my face as I realized I was punched, by Jamie. I took hold of my face seeing the blood gushed onto my hand. I soon felt the floor on my back.

Mark quickly stepped up, wooden stick in hand, covered in blood. His gaze on Jamie never stopped, even if she couldn't see he would be staring her to death. Edwards body was missing the sharp wooden stick, as my vision soon blurred from Jamie's punches.

Luke was on the sidelines, trying to help my brother, as if he thought he wasn't dead. It was quite sad, like a child trying to make its dead gold fish come back to life, but everyone else knows its dead for good.

Soon the blows stopped coming. I opened my swollen eyes as I felt two arms around my body sitting me up. I wiped the blood off my face and gazed at Mark punching the body of Jamie on the floor.

The wooden stick he had before was in her neck, blood gushing more and more with each punch. Out of the corner of my eye I saw lava about to reach the porch. I ran to the stairs sitting down watching the sight of Mark coping with his best friend dying. But from he is acting it seemed to be ore than that.

I shook the thought from my head when he soon stood up realizing the lava levels rising. He shifted his gaze from outside onto me. He walked up and handed me a small box. "Keep these for me would ya? They are really special to me and your brother." I nodded as he went away from the stairs and out onto the porch.

I stood up handing the box to Luke I walked over to where Mark was. "Hey what are you doing?" Mark looked at me and smiled, "You two twins are so nosy aren't you? well I'm going to go have some fun.." as I was about to ask he jumped into the lava, soon eaten. I ran back inside the tears never stopping.

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