Story Time

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The tears never stopped. I killed someone. I killed a future friend, well I mean most likely enemy I don't prefer emos.. I looked up and met eye with Ellie, but somehow she was able to manage with KILLING SOMEONE PERFECTLY FINE. TOTALLY FINE.

She killed the hyphy.. he was gonna be that weird ju ju crap. I sighed and looked over to Luke and Jamie, both speechless, just staring at the wall. I sighed and got up, tears still running down my face. "Why don't we just fucking do something! I just killed someone who would hate me for years and try to hid me from her kids when she talked about her past! Do you know how sad that is!?" I yelled looking at Ellie. I could see the pain in her eyes as she stared at me.

"Lex it's more complicated than that!" she snapped, I turned towards the others, I understood why they were completely in tears because they weren't the ones killing, but they just saw two people murdered right before their eyes. I looked up and stared at her, "A life for a Life. If you kill you deserve to be killed. That's the truth it's going to catch up to us. To any of us that kill. Our lives will be taken." I snapped. 

"Lex, come here hun.." She sighed looking over to me motioning me  to go over and sit down, I did as so. "Its really really complicated."

Story Time

Ellie was only 6 or so, her parents yelling in the house again about where her bigger brother had gone. They moved out of this house when she was five, her brother decided to have a party there, and he was never found. Her brother was soon forgotten by her parents and they gave her all their attention. 

She smiled, but she could never forget her brother. His dirty blonde hair and his golden eyes that matched hers. When ever she looked in the mirror she always saw a part of him in her. After a while she felt as if he were in her eyes, they became more livid and bright, glowing in the darkest of nights. They moved far away from the town they were in now. She came here in a new house freshman year, a flood of memories hitting her but not her parents. Walking by here any chance she got remembering the last moments of her brother. Ellie decided to walk into her childhood home that she shared with her brother. 

On the porch was a journal, a diary of what happened, every detail their was about this mysterious place. All you needed was 12 friends, a court would come to you, and the angel would be watching from up above ready to grant someone immunity. 

There were myths of the Angel, they said her appearance would change but one thing was always the same. Her rainbow eyes, it is said that when you gazed into her eyes you could see everything, all the colors, answers, anything you could ever want. The one problem is that the angel's appearance changed so much no one knows why. 

Her brother found out soon that his girlfriend was granted immunity and would live until the game ended, that game went on for a year, until he finally decided to kill himself. They both were the last ones, but he waited out for her so they could spend as much time as they could together. Once he died she started to write in his journal.

Angel was always the same eyes, but the souls switched, once the angel granted the next person immunity they would immediately become the next angel. The person who was once there becomes an archangel and roams the streets, never aloud to visit or see their family's again. Starting an entirely new life.

She was never one for being rude but once she was granted the immunity the thought of granting someone that poisoned her head, especially since Ellie's brother died. She became a maniac and swore to never grant someone immunity until it was their last hope.

Now onto the court, they were high paying people, who basically ruled over the world. They would place bets on the people who would play their terrible games. In the beginning they would place bets on who would win in the end of the game and in each competition. Overall after time they discover each individual's talents, well the ones that lasted anyways.

The court had 3 people per floor. The 3 people would decide on who has the advantage depending on their bets. 

The 12 friends could be someone that was your bestie or some random stranger you have had a party. Her brother discovered this by reading all the books to his girlfriend on the last floor. The books explained everything that happened and how everything went down. 

She wrote his last words he said to her in the journal, 'No matter what I will always find you. You and I will be standing together forever. I promise.' 


I looked at Ellie in shook as she finished her story. So she knew this was all bound to happen. But then again she thought it was some myth and thought nothing of it. But her brother was dead because of this cruel game. I stared at her in shock as I saw a tear fall down her face. "It has been so long since I have told that story.." she laughed a little and wiped the tear off her cheek. I looked into her eyes, and just hugged her. 

"I'm so sorry.. If I never came you guys would have all been safe.." I mumbled into her shoulder as I heard her laugh.

"Oh honey, don't blame yourself. This was going to happen no matter what, she told me the court was getting restless and wanted to start another game. But she said they would be anywhere but here. She lied to me.." I heard he laugh slowly become a cry while she hugged onto my shoulder.

"Hey Ellie?"

She looked up at me, her golden eyes meeting my green ones, "You don't need to worry about her ok? You couldn't control it. We are all here because of fate." I smiled genuinely at her.

This was going to change us.

Our team stared at me while I held onto Ellie, I could feel their stares. I turned to them, "So guys You willing to make our moment count?" I smirked watching the team's eyes light up.

Tonight we were going to live like we never had before.

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