Request ✨

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Since Eleven was going to be here for good now I decided it would be good to teach her some things before she goes into real school so she has SOME knowledge. I decided with the basics, just reading and some spelling then I'd teach her life skills so she doesn't have to use her powers.

- time Skip -

I finished the spellings and reading and I was showing her some things. I started to teach her how to ride a bike.

"Don't let go" she said.

"I won't, don't worry"

She began to pedal and I held onto the back. She started to ride faster, getting the hang of it. I let go without her realising and she carried on riding around, that was until she noticed.

"Why did you let go!!" She stopped and ran up to you, hugging you tight.

"You were doing amazing, you didn't need my help anymore" I laughed, running my hand through her hair.

"Well since you've got the hang of that, would do you want to learn now, one or two more things today" I carried on.

"Clean, to help Hopper" she said, sort of asking if she got it right.

"Yep okay, lets go" I grabbed her hand and led her inside the cabin thing.

"Where does he keep everything?" You asked.

She pointed to a cabinet in the corner and I went to it, getting out the vacuum, duster and polish with a cloth.

"Which do you want to do?"

She pointed to the vacuum so I grabbed the plug and told her to put it in the socket.

"It's quite loud" you laughed because it might scare her.

"Just press this. And then move it on the carpet and it'll pick up the dust"

She pressed the button and when the loud noise started she jumped back making you double over laughing, you contained yourself and turned it off.

"Could've warned me" she pouted.

"I could have.. I kind of did" I laughed slightly.

"How about we try the duster"

She nodded and picked it up.

"Just brush it on most things and it'll get rid of most of the dust" I smiled at her.

She nodded and dusted pictured, windows and door frames.

- time Skip -

"I'm tired" El whined.

She cuddled into your side and hugged your waist.

"Sleep then, I'll stay here" I said and she nodded drifting into a sleep.

For galaxy_unitato8 ❤️

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