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"What y'all getting into today?". Ken asks.

"We don't know yet".

"Well y'all put on some clothes. Ride with me today". I nodded getting up.

I usually don't ever question Ken where we going I just go he always ask me to ride with him.

"Ponytail or bun?". Jhene asks.

"Ponytail". I say.

"Hat or no hat?". Crystal also asks.

"No hat".

I flat ironed my hair a couple of days ago so it wasn't curly how it usually be it was straight. Putting on my shirt and everything else I searched for a purse.

"I love your tattoo".

"Thank you. Kendall took me to get it once I turned 17 I love it so much". I spoke admiring my hand.

"I like the one on your shoulder to Ne". She smiled.

"Thanks my love. Do you have any?".

"No. Should I get one for my birthday?". She asks.

"Fucking right. Whatever you get will look bomb as hell on your skin". Ne agreed shaking her head.

After combing through my hair while talking to them Kendell came in telling us to come on.


"Ken what the hell the sun beaming and you wanna be out here".

"Re shut the fuck up and get out".

I huffed getting out after we were currently at the park. Everyone was here it was super pack with kids running around and with people walking niggas were playing hard as fuck on the court as well. That's where we were headed to the court.

"Wassup my niggas?". Ken says as we walked up to A or others.

"Hoopin' nigga you came to get your ass bust?". One says.

"We'll see. Put me one losing team buys food". He reply.

"Nigga yo hungry ass but you on wit' Chris". He nodded.

"Ken let me get some funds so we can go get a snowball from over there". I ask.

"Reign your ass is agg". He says handing me a 20 which I really didn't need. I'll gladly keep the change.

"Off the court sexy ladies. Street niggas about to ball. I'm Chris call me Breezy tho". He introduced mainly looking towards Crystal.

We walked off going towards the truck.

"That fine ass one on the court was eyeing me he gone be tapping this ass real soon".

"Ne what the hell?". I laughed.

"Jhene man you're something else". Crystal says I nodded agreeing.

"After getting this y'all wanna walk around or sit and watch them play?".

"I'd rather watch them play".

"Well shit okay Crystal yo' ass quiet but we all know". I say smirking.

"I agree with Crystal. Let's watch our soon to be niggas play".

"Ne really? Soon to be? Them niggas probably old as hell they don't want our young asses". I spoke while we order then waited on them.

"Girl bye. They're willing to catch this case. Bitch we're the full package beautiful and fine as hell. Now tell me I'm wrong?". She saying high fiving Crystal.

"You ain't wrong bitch you right as fuck". I gassed. She wasn't wrong to say we're just 16 and 17 yr olds we were bad as fuck no lying or bluffing.

We got our stuff and walked back to the court many people from school was here I recognized faces. I guess it was a pretty nice day to be out we sat on the bench and watched them.

"Yeah Ken! 3 shit!". I shouted as he scored a three.

Some girls came walking up on the court I immediately peeped Kelly. I hope nothing pops off I really don't need the drama today. Before I can even turn my head I saw them walking towards us.

"You fuck with Mike now?". She asks soon as she walked up. I saw Jhene taking off her hoops Crystal started to wrap her hair up in a ponytail.

"Kelly bitch you got some nerve walking up checking me. Bitch I worked you already and I would do it again. I'm telling you now turn right back around".

"I just think it's funny how you start fucking with everybody that I fuck with. Like damn bitch get your own dick!". I laughed because I couldn't take this serious.

"When I start swinging it ain't gone be nice y'all best bet is to go head while y'all at it". Ne tells them.

"Bitch you ain't bout' nothing". Some bald head hoe that was with her says.

"Wanna bet? Try me bitch!". She yells hopping off the bench. I got up also these hoes had me fucked up.

"This my last time fucking telling you stop coming at me over a damn nigga! I bet he don't even want you!". I was turnt now.

"You bossing up like you wanna go? Wassup?". She asks.

"Man them hoes don't want it Re let them be". Ne says.

"I'm swinging on anything so which bitch want it? Don't come up checking my girl about some nigga. Y'all tripping!". Crystal goes off. Damn she a real one.

"Fuck y'all. Y'all not ready anyway. See you around Re". Kelly says winking towards me. I chuckled mugging her as she walks away.

"Aye' mini Ali's. Chill out". Ken yells. We turned to see almost everybody looking at us. They stopped they're whole game.

"Ken you know I don't take no shit". I spoke talking my stuff.

"You know it. No L's over here". He says shooting the ball.

"My ready bitches on go". I say dapping them up.

"You know it. That bitch tore her draws with me". Ne says.

"It's only right that I be. She came up with her hoes ain't no backing down". Crystal spoke.

"Man us three would run them halls of Sweet Valley High I bet no bitch gone fuck with us". I huffed.

"Right bitch fuck that bad bitch 1, bad bitch 2, and bad bitch 3!". Jhene says while recording.

"Yess! It's only right for us to be". Crystal states in a slaying way into the camera.

I could just tell there's more moments to come like this. The rest of the time we chilled this day wasn't so bad after all.

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