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"Can you not?"

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"Can you not?". I blushed putting my head down some.

"What? You to beautiful not to look at". He said lifting my chin.

Those lips look so suck-able.

"Don't do that please". I whined out.

"Do what?". He asked looking deep into my eyes.

"You know what". I tell him leaning in to kiss.

"Oh my! I'm interrupting something?". I heard Jhene ask making us move away from each-other.

We were in their kitchen I was in the middle of making breakfast when he came in to bother my ass.

"Girl no. I'm just making breakfast". I tell her laughing it off.

"Mhm. Goodmorning to your skinny ass to". She says to August.

"Jhene don't start yo. Goodmorning". He laughed getting a call.

"Need help?". She questioned I nodded my head spraying butter on the pan.

August sat on the couch on the phone it seemed as if he was on FaceTime with children that's what it sounded like.

"Hey babes". Crystal speaks walking in.

"Hey. How'd you sleep?".

"Good after them shots ya'll made me do I had to sleep that shit off". She laughed.

"My nieces want to speak to ya'll". Said August walking back into the kitchen giving me the phone.

"Your so pretty what's your name?". One of them asks me.

"Thank you hun. My name's Reign what's your name beautiful?".

"My name is Kaydin. These are my sisters Noonie and Chay". She exclaims putting them into the camera.

"This are my bestfriends Jhene and Crystal". I say putting the camera on them.

"Ya'll are so pretty!". Noonie yells into the phone.

"Which one of you is Uncle August girlfriend?". Chay asks making us all laugh.

"Alright na. You trying to start something Chay I'll call ya'll back later. Uncle love ya'll". He tells them.

"Love you to". They all say as he ends the call.

He already told me that he had 4 nieces and 1 nephew. 3 were for his deceased brother Melvin 1 was for his brother Travis his Nephew was for his other brother Jamal. So far we've learned a lot about one another we just love talking to each-other whether it's personal or not.


Them beating on my cousin makes we wanna dead them niggas right then and there but I want to fuck with them first before I take it there.

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