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Rolling over I felt for August but he wasn't there I figured that because his whole day consisted of me yesterday so I guess today he was out early. Getting up I limped to the bathroom last night once we came in August gave me oral for hrs after that I was to tired to do anything else so we just went to sleep together.

I felt good not having to go to school early in the damn morning anymore. I finished up my hygiene before turning on the shower I needed to relax my muscles some. After about a good 20 minutes I hopped out the shower.

"Yes?". I replied to the knock.

"Hey we were making homemade burgers want one?". Said Jhene coming in.

"Yeah I'll have one. I'll be right out to make smoothies to". I tell her putting lotion on my body.

"You have big ass boobs you know that right?". She says walking over poking them.

"I mean yes. I just wanna give some away gosh". I complained lifting them up they've grown so damn much lately for some reason.


"So you know how we met Miranda's cousin Diamond yesterday right?". Jhene asks as we all sit at the island table.

"Yeah what about her?". I asked.

"She asked if we wanted to hang out tonight at the club for her friend going away party". She says.

"I mean sure I'll go just to get out the house we deserve free time anyways". I shrugged.

"Yeah I'll go to it's something to do instead of being caked up in the house but what about Kj y'all know the guys would be gone plus I'm getting Cammy later on". Said Crystal biting into her burger.

"I could get April here again to watch them again". I say going to text her she don't be doing nothing with her life anyways.

"Well damn just go in on the damn girl like that then". Jhene laughs.

The door opened making all of our attention turn towards it, it was the guys walking in.

"Daddy!". Kj screams running towards Chris he was in the living room eating while watching cartoons.

"Hey lil bit". Said August as I hugged him tightly.

"Hey beybeh. Y'all back early". I tell him giving him some of my burger I had 2 already anyways for some reason I was hungry asf.

"We came back ta talk ta y'all". He says.

"Oh well wassup?". I questioned.

"I know y'all asses excited to be outta school and all but some shit about to get real so therefore extra security bout ta be in action". He starts.

"Elaborate that more". Jhene says.

"What he means is no going out unless it's with us. Tee would be driving y'all around for now on. As of now we need to know about y'all every move plus where abouts". Trey says.

"Uhm why? We need some type of freedom". Said Crystal making us agree.

"Last night when we went out some shit happened shots were fired to us. It had to be from Kyron he was sending a message or some shit. Don't worry about that tho we got that covered". Chris tells us.

"Damn this shit again. I mean when will this be over?". I sighed putting my head down.

"Soon. We probably should've said this a little more earlier but feds on our asses we could go down for some serious shit so all I ask if fa y'all ta be with us through all this shit". Said August mostly to me.

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