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"How much you got Trey?". I asked.

"2 milli". I nodded.


"2 mill fucker". He states.

"The fuck up nigga". He laughed. I counted 2 mill as well them fuck niggas knew to have our money and not play us.

"Package". Tee says dropping a yellow envelope off.

Chris took it opening it I scrolled on my phone and texted Reign back. We've been getting close as hell lately I have no problem with it. Honestly.

"We've got a stalker a big ass one at that". He says throwing the pictures on our table.

"More pictures again I'm tired of that fuck nigga". I sighed picking them up.

"Yo he stalking the girls hella' hard". Trey says looking also.

"Something needs to shake this nigga doing to much now. It's like he more obsessed with us more than anything". I nodded my head agreeing with Chris.

"We ain't getting shit popping until he does once he makes a move we come back with some hard shit". I tell them.

"What his punk ass waiting on?". Trey asks.

"I have no clue let's just wait whatever he got coming we'll be prepared". I sat back.

"I'm hungry as a bitch right now I ain't lying". Chris says.

"Same bro. I'm in need of some wings". I spoke putting the money back.

"I'll pick us up some on my way to the bank". Trey suggested.

"Nah I'll do it fam I'll get our usual". I say.

I also had to go to the bank to put this money up. We all get our deals and we put this money in the bank. We save it.

"Chris you going to the bank now or later?". I ask him.

"Later bro I'm about to make sure things good because it's to quiet round here". Nodding agreeing I headed out. Trey was already gone.


"What the hell?". I cursed to myself as I got pulled over by a cop.

I don't know why because I wasn't speeding I was actually cruising through I even have my damn seat belt on.

"Good evening sir' step out the vehicle please". He states as soon as he approached me. This was the same cop in that SUV.

"May I ask why?". I asked.

"Because I'm telling you to. If I instruct again it'll be a problem". I sighed undoing my seat belt getting out.

"Bitch ass". I mumbled as he chuckled this the same bastard that pulled me an Trey over that first time.

I didn't make it to the bank yet but I ain't stupid the money was stashed away in the cushion of my back seat in a secret part of it.

"August ain't it?".

"You already know who I am fool". He smiled lightly.

"I know who you are. Big time drug lord right along with your buddies".

"What the hell you pulling me over for man?".

"I'm checking your vehicle".

"For what? I ain't got shit!". I yelled getting angry.

"Step over there and put your hands up on the car". He instructed looking through my car clearly not finding anything.

"Racist motherfucker I'll sue your ass for racial profiling".

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