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AN: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas.

Comment what you did in the comments I would love to know..Enjoy!


"Where's Crystal?". I asked Jhene.

"I don't know she was saying she probably was gonna leave early to go somewhere with Chris". She spoke as we walk out the school.

"Yeah that's what she probably did. I'll go pick up Kj or you want to?". I asked as we approached the cars.

"My aunt Cheryl is in town my mom wants me to sit and have dinner with her". She states looking at her phone.

"Damn okay I'm about to get him then. See you at the house babe". We hugged and went our separate ways.

I called Crystal but her phone went straight to voicemail her ass probably knocked out with Chris back at the house. Half way getting to Kj's school Kendell started calling.

"Hey big brother?". I say into the phone.

"I'm only your big brother when you want something. What is it?". He questioned.

"Okay you right. Could you transfer some coins to my card?". I asked hoping he'll say yes.

"Mm no lil ugly I'll think about it".

"Please Kenny I wanna go to the mall and pick up on some things this weekend". I whined through the phone.

"Ain't you still playing house? Ask ya mans". He laughed out.

"Nigga I am not playing house. I'm about to pick up Kj from school I should see money before the day is over. Love you bye". I say.

"We'll see. Love you to big head". He tells me before ending the call.

Most likely he'll do it Kenny will do anything for me that's why I love him so much and would go crazy if anything happen to him.


"What do you want dad?" I ask annoyed as hell

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"What do you want dad?" I ask annoyed as hell.

"Why haven't you been answering me I've been calling you non-stop". He says.

"Are you fucking delusional or what? You were gonna let him rape me!". I yell to him.

"Baby I'm sorry I've left numerous voicemails on how sorry I am. Please come home I need you". He cries.

"You don't need shit rot in hell! You lucky I'm even standing here giving you the time of the day because I promised myself I wouldn't! You don't have shit going for yourself I bet you still on drugs same old Johnathan". I huffed.

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