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"What the fuck you mean he doesn't wanna see me?". I snapped to the lady that was at the front desk.

"Ma'am please calm down it's his orders not mine. I'm sorry". She said sincerely looking at my belly.

"Could you please go back there and talk to him for me? I just want a explanation on why he doesn't wanna see me. I'm confused". I stressed.

"There's not much I cou-". She started but I cut her off.

"Please ma'am please". I pleaded.

"Wait here". She sighed getting up going to the back.

I sat the food down waiting on her to come back. When I came here with Cammy not to long ago everything was fine. I haven't been here in a minute because I've been getting everything ready for school I just been very busy. I finally have some free time so I'm ready to see my manz and he don't wanna see me? Can't be! He got to have some explanation.

"Follow me". She tells me coming back.

"Wait where are we going? The visitation room is the other way". I asked confused.

"He wanted this visit to be conjugal I managed to make it happen but not for the full visitation hours. Only for 2". She tells me.

Conjugal visit? I'm not bout to have no fucking sex in this nasty ass jail.. August got me fucked up!

"Oh okay. Thank you so much". I smiled taking a seat.

"Don't usually do this type of stuff but I felt the need to be generous towards you". She smiled before standing at the door.

August came in and was unhand cuffed he looked tired his eyes had rings around them, I feel so sorry for my baby I just want him to come home.

"Are you hungry? I brought you food". I slid it towards him.

"What are you doing here Reign?". He sighs.

"What do you mean? I'm here to see you boo".

"Didn't she tell you I didn't wanna see you?!". He snaps.

"Yeah but I insisted! Why don't you wanna see me?". I questioned grabbing his hand but he pulled away.

"Because I just don't Ight? So don't come up here no more". He shrugged.

"You're joking. Just eat your food baby it's getting cold". I smiled taking it out the bag.

"I'm not joking Reign. Next time I won't come out I do not wanna see you!". He gritted.

"You clearly do because you right here in my damn face so fucking eat!". I yelled.

"Ayee quiet down". Said the guard that was by the door.

"I really don't so save yo la gas cause it would just be a waste of time. I'm telling you I don't wanna see you and yet you still being fucking hardheaded". He chuckled angrily eating a piece of chicken.

"Why can't I come up here anymore? Why wouldn't you wanna see me?". I was so confused.

"Does it matter?". He replied annoyedly.

"Yes it matters. What's going on with you?".

"Ain't shit going with me! I'm locked up fuck Reign!". He snaps again.

"Uh okay don't you think I know that? I need another explanation Aug stop fucking with me". I gritted.

"I don't love you no more". He says.

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