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"I honestly don't know this answer. Crystal help me out". I stressed looking towards her.

"Bitch calm down I got you". She warned.

"No talking during this test". The teacher spoke staring at us.

I wasn't prepared for this pop up test his bitch ass gave us my mind been wrapped. Crystal birthday was tomorrow me and Jhene been getting everything for that together with some help of my mom. When Ken found out her and his homeboy Trey had the same birthday he decided to collide the dinner, which is totally fine. My phone dinged and I kind of knew who it was it was Mike ass texting me like his ass ain't in school. This nigga been getting to comfortable asking for hugs but slick side be touching my ass and his wack ass flirting irritates me now.

"Why would you give us this bullshit out of nowhere". I spoke heads turned my way. I looked up to see almost the whole class was looking at me. I thought I said that to myself but I guess not.

"Excuse me Reign?". He said.

"Excuse me nothing you foul for this". I wasn't afraid to say what I had to.

"You're sure doing a lot of complaining get over it I handed out a pop up quiz so what. Complete it". He told me straight up.

"I ain't completing shit. Fuck this test and you". I spoke throwing it on the ground before gathering my things to leave.

"I will be calling your mother young lady this is very strange coming from you".

"I WiLl bE CaLliNg YoUr mOThEr YoUnG lAdY ThIs Is vErY StRaNgE cOmInG FrOm yOu". I repeated looking like that sponge-bob meme making everyone laugh. I wasn't trying to be funny or nothing I just wasn't feeling today at all. My mom on the other hand probably won't even answer his phone call because she stay busy. Either or I didn't care.

I was honestly moody it was 3rd period and I was fucking hungry I didn't eat lunch because the cheese on the burger looked faker than usual and the fries were extra fucking salty. The vending machine coincidentally ran out of m&ms and lays I got real annoyed and just said fuck it. Jhene didn't come today because she didn't feel like it so she just stayed at the house probably sleeping.

"Crys you coming?". I asked before getting ready to exit.

"Sure why not I'm finished with my test anyways". She spoke getting up.

She turned her test in leaving out with me we walked to the front office checked ourselves out because we were seniors then left it didn't matter our age as long as we were seniors we can do it.


"A package came for y'all today". Tee says dropping a box down.

"Package? Any of y'all ordered something". I asked.

"Nope". They spoke.

"We never order something and get it shipped here". Chris says. I got up opening the box wanting to see what was it.

"Aye bro, it better not be what I think it is". Trey states hopping up.

Opening it first I saw an yellow envelope at the top with something on the bottom. It was a fucking bomb I took it out the box running with it outside.

"Aug what the hell man don't throw that we'll get fined throwing that shit over there". Chris tells me just as I was about to hum that bitch across the field.

"I already called Mark he'll be here less than 5 minutes to disable it". I nodded. It had about 14 minutes left before it went off.

Mark was someone who disabled our bombs and stuff for us we've experienced things like this before. He quick and smart with it that's a easy mill in his account from us.

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