One Shot: Claire

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A/N: Honestly this just came from me thinking one day "What if Niall has a tattoo and just keeps it hidden?". Then this happened. I mean I know that he's not that guy just to get a tattoo just to have one, his would have meaning.

All the boys in One Direction are really close it's no secret. After all they've basically been living with each other for four years, they're family. They know everything about each other or at least they thought they did, little did they know that Niall was keeping a little secret. Well I mean not exactly; he wasn't trying to keep it from them he just never felt that the opportunity had presented itself. I mean the only time he got asked about tattoos were in interviews. What they didn't know that all of them had a tattoo; yes Niall has a tattoo. Here's the story behind the tattoo.

Niall had been friends with Claire since they started primary school; she was Niall's best friend. He gave her a cool nickname Claire Bear that was only used by him. They had the best of times together as they grew up. Niall would be lying if he said that he hadn't developed a slight crush on her. However he always tried to ignore it because she meant so much to him. He couldn't risk that not with all that they had been through. He couldn't imagine what he'd do without her until one day he was forced to.

In year 10 she was diagnosed with stage III cancer; leukemia. She started some radiation and chemo it was near the end of the school year so she stayed and finished. One weekend Niall was over taking care of her since Claire's parents had to visit an even sicker family member hours away.

Niall woke up in her guest bed room and went into her room to see if she was awake. When he entered her room he was surprised at what he saw: a bald Claire. She had always had the most luscious, wavy dirty blonde hair. It was long and perfect she always loved to braid it and put it in messy buns. She loved her hair to her it was one of the only things that she found beautiful about herself. Now she sat bald with clippers on her bed that was surrounded by her hair.

"Niall" she said shocked at his presence.

"Claire Bear?" he said as if he was asking a question. He walked over and sat on her bed.

"It's been falling out and I couldn't take it anymore" she said as tears formed in her eyes.

Niall nodded, wrapped his arm around her shoulder and brought her into his chest. She started sobbing; Niall carried her into the guest bedroom so that they could lie down. After a few minutes of her lying on Niall's chest she finally spoke.

"Do I look ugly?" she asked looking down playing with the hem of her shirt. .

Niall carefully moved her face up so their eyes met. "No, no come on Claire Bear babe you're beautiful inside and out I swear," Niall replied.

"Okay" she said not really believing him.

"Wait here" Niall said. He got up and went to her room, grabbed the clippers and went to the bathroom and shaved off his dyed, wavy golden locks.

Niall entered the guest bed room. "Do I look ugly?" he asked with a smirk on his face and in his voice.

"Ni" she said as tears fell down her face. She got up from the bed and walked in front of Niall. "You didn't have to" she said reaching one of her hands up to run her fingers through his new bald head that matched hers.

"I know" Niall said smiling, "but I wanted to". They hugged as tears ran down both of their faces. They were interrupted by Niall's stomach growling.

"Come on let's eat" Claire said grabbing his arm and pulling him downstairs.

The rest of the day was spent like normal they just watched movies and talked. It was nice for Claire to be around Niall because he didn't treat her like she was dying. He did hoover or treat her like a faberge egg like her parents did. They acted like they normally would despite her increased white blood count. Claire liked this normalcy when she spent with Niall she'd sometimes temporarily forget that she was dying from cancer.

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