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More then the norm.
More beyond this entertainment we feed off like porn.
More then to go beyond the bored.
More is unknown.

I want to be.

More is something unimagined, lived in a millisecond.
Children cry in joy, People cry out as pleasure unites
More is limitless
Inhale, and exhale as this life ignites
Feel it, Breath it, Sing it, and Shout it
As more is your life.

I want to be something.

Make mistakes, Have regrets
Fire the shot, bullet leaps from the brain.
Talk, and you don't agree.
Kiss strangers, till your falling and falling down something you've never seen.
Embrace the primal, the instinctive animal nature within.
Till your in love, like you've never been.
And go at it till the sun comes up.

I want to be something more.

Everyday is a second to the thousandth of a chance.
To set past this mine set.
Go beyond these confines your mind confides.
The oh so dull, mundane.
The day to day, commute to a to b.
Something that's stupid to nothing at all.
Class to class, work to home, and back at it again.

Be something more.
More then you've ever been.

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