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Just what would I say?
Just what would I do?

If I wasn't so afraid......
To him, To her.
Would I admit every trespass, every wrong account, to who I am is found with guilt without a doubt,
Would I release  the caged bars that surround my heart,
To speak up for once and release the burden words caged like doves,
To forgive and let go,
And let live what is to live.

If I wasn't so afraid..
Words would erupt with passion spitting from  my lips, 
Mountains I would climb,
Miles would I would presume,
Just to cross the hall, let slip from my lips,
What I see in you.

Except I am so afraid,
Nod and surrender to the will of the grain,
Because I'm afraid to love,
Afraid to trust and fall in to what might not be there at all,
Afraid to be made a fool,
Afraid of silliest thing,
Rejection above all.

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