Is There Any Good Left..?

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Plumbing's been out,
WiFi doesn't exist,
Loose floorboards,
This house looks like shit.

Look around,
How do we even live like this?
We don't,
We're all just getting by,
Times flying by, if only I could catch it.
Clocking into that nine to five grind.

Look around,

Am I just part of the problem,
Is there any good left...
Leftover/ in the fridge of younger days,
To give to this world,
Or am I'm just getting by?

Nothing's stopping,
Everything's   just flying,
Flying away.

Is there any good left...?
Cause I'm
Rough around the edges,
Say things and I just don't think
Show up late, as you wait up for me.
Dunno why you stick around,
What's in this for you, I know what's in it for me.

Is there any good left..?

Don't even know if I believe,
It's still ingrained,
From those younger days,
Never wanted to hurt your heart,
Never understood the lost,
Till I became one myself. 

What ever happened to that kid,
That kid who used to pray,
If there's any of that kid left...
Is there any good left in me?

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