Kids With The Backpacks / Children of Chaos

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Dunno what this is 🤷‍♀️, just sorta felt like writing it

Cheers to the kids with the backpacks,
To the kids who wake up somewhere,
Sleep somewhere else.
Who never know one bed, never no one house.
Cheers to those children of chaos.

Mama was a washout of tears, who clung to the cross.
Papa was pyro, with a wrath of a rage.

It was that get off the bus, into pop's truck.
Roundabout, a carousel of chaos that was my childhood.
A world I couldn't control,
In the eye of hurricane,
That made me,
Learn to embrace, maybe a little to late.

Here I am,
One of half the country's children,
Nothing special.
A broken home, heart spilt into two, battleground.

This is for those children of chaos,
Cheers to all the kids with backpacks.

Cling to yourself, it's all you can count on.
Hug yourself, when you feel the tears will drown you out.
You are yourself,
You are your constant,
You are your control,
You are the eye, the clam in the middle of hurricane that is your life.

If I could go back in time, tell myself.

Listen, listen close...
It ain't your fault, It ain't your shit kid.
You don't need to disappear, fade from time.
Because it's their problem. You aren't a problem.
You a solution, You're the future.
The future of what?
The future of you.

And all these switch back n' fourths,
Mom's, Dad's, Grandpa, Grams.
It might overwhelm,
With that world, you can't quite understand.
Will make you, you.
It made me,

Cheers to the kids with the backpacks,
The children chaos.
Rely on themselves, no one else.
Adjust, when the world throws nothing but punches.
Adjust, Adapt, Rinse and repeat.

Where you start isn't where you end, so they say.
I wouldn't know.

Cheers to the kids with nothing but backpacks.
Here, to the children of chaos.

You're gonna be just fine,
I was just fine.

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