interview 17 @HisHighnessRicmar

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Oh, okay. So, the contest that I entered is called the Brilliant Awards, my category is Fantasy, and I was second place. :)

1 What's your favorite movie? 

There are some really great movies out there that I've watched - but Bad Moms are the way to go!

2 If you got a publishing deal, how would you celebrate?

Let's see... I would start by eating cake. Like, a really big one at that. And the cake must be chocolate, okay? Did I mention I'll be eating it alone?

3 What's the most enjoyable aspect about Watt pad?

Its chat threads. There, I am most happy.

4 Whose your favorite author outside Watt pad?

Robert Jordan. Period.

5 If you could hang out with your favorite celebrity for a day, who would it be and what

would you do?

Hanging out with Ariana Grande would be a dream! Oh the possibilities are limitless - but the main thing I wanna request from Miss Grande is that I get to hear all her songs <3

6 Do you have any other creative outlets?

As of now, Watt pad is the only creative outlet I've got.

7 How would you handle a bully?

Totally just ignore them and continue life. This may not be the most brightest idea, but it's proven useful for the years, I think

8 How would you spend a rainy day?

In home, watching television or reading a book.

9 What's one of your Watt pad goals?

Honestly, I need to have a book that has a million reads on it.

10 What's your dream vacation?

Someplace where I can be alone, where I can travel alone. Probably a whole trip to Europe would suffice.

11 What's your favorite holiday and why?

It would have to be the New Year. Why? Because a new year is a fresh start! Scratch resolutions, those never did work, but I'm talking about a rejuvenated zeal when you want to start a new year by being positive and happy.

Request time!

The Time of Upheaval. I would be so happy if they checked out this book! Although it's still in the first stages of making and editing it, I can assure you that this will not let you down!

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