interview four @ReallymadiLeigh

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1 How would you spend a rainy day?

I love rainy days! Ideally, I'd spend all of them with a cup of coffee and either writing or reading next to an window where I can see the rain pour down.

2 What's your favorite aspect of Watt pad? 

My favorite aspect about Watt pad would be all of its formatting. I've never been on a writing site where you can comment on certain paragraphs in a chapter to tell a writer EXACTLY how you feel in that moment. It might be a small thing, but think having the power to offer that kind of feedback is amazing to me as a reader and writer on this site!

3 What's your dream vacation?

My dream vacation would have to be either New Zealand and France, I can't pick one! I'm a major Tolkien fan so I'd love to see where the movies were filmed. Getting my picture taken in front of a Hobbit-hole is on my bucket list. France is just... France. I would love to experience the lifestyle at least once.

4 How would you handle a bully?

I absolutely HATE bullies, so the way I handle them is by addressing the issue head-on or ignoring them completely. People who pick on others to feel better about themselves aren't worth your time or concern. Don't let them get under your skin because they don't know you the way your true friends and family do!

5 What's your favorite book?

What's my favorite book?! You're really going to make me choose?! I guess if I had to pick one, it would be "Howl's Moving Castle" by Diana Wynne Jones. That book will transport you to another time and place with beautiful prose and lovable characters and give you more inspiration than you'll know what to do with! Her creativity is off the charts!

6 What's your favorite movie?

My favorite movie(s) are the Lord of the Rings series! I grew up as the movies came out and I read the books second (crazy, I know!) once I was older. Those movies seriously inspired me to write and taught me how to create killer fight scenes, which you'll see in all of my books. I still watch them all the time!

7 What's one tip you would give a newcomer?

One tip I would give a newcomer is NOT to post links to your works on people's walls! I was totally guilty of this when I first started because I didn't know any better and I feel terrible about it now. Instead, take the time to read and comment on stories that you like! Use those in-line comments to your advantage! They'll seriously make someone's day and lead to making friends nine times out of ten!

8 What's one of your Watt pad goals?

One of my Watt pad goals is probably the same as everyone else's, which is ranking in the top 50!

9 What's your favorite holiday and why?

My favorite holiday is definitely Thanksgiving! I love spending time with my friends and family and eating good food!

10 What's your favorite song? Whose the artist?

I have so many favorite songs it's not even funny! I guess my all-time favorite would have to be anything by Eminem.

11 If you could meet your favorite author and gain advice, who would it be and what would you ask?

If I could meet any author, I would probably have to choose Cassandra Clare, the author of The Mortal Instruments series. I would ask her how to create such memorable characters and the bonds they have with each other. Her urban fantasy/paranormal series is one of my absolute favorites when it comes to her originality and characters. 

Request time!

The War of Identities: A Change of Fate stands apart from any book you're going to find on Watt pad. It takes every myth and legend you've ever heard and combines them into one mega-series about beings with superhuman abilities coming together and fighting an epic war that spans all over the world. The story centers on a girl who no one knows is a princess (except her), a shapeshifting hippie, a girl who can literally drive you insane with the blink of an eye, and a sexy love-interest who doesn't know how to use a microwave. Intriguing, right?

Meet the Authors Edition #1 (Nov 2017 To July 2018)Where stories live. Discover now