VI. We're Lost And There's No Map

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“It’s about time. I thought you’d never say anything.” Was Dark’s slightly irritated response. He didn’t think talking to the living would be so hard.

“How… How are you here?”

“It’s… A long story.”

Dark looked around the room, It looked exactly as he remembered it. Just like the night before he died, when they went back in the house through this exact room.

“I wonder if you’re the only one who can see me... I don’t really know how this works.” Dark muttered, noticing Daisuke still had his high bed. A nest for a bird. Ironic.

Daisuke continued to stare at his older brother in shock. Dark was standing right in front of him, although Daisuke clearly remembered going to his funeral the previous year. This couldn’t be real.

“Listen Daisuke, I know I’ve been gone a year, and I left you all, but I’m back now. This is real, and I’m going to be there the rest of the way, got it? Now snap out of it.”

Daisuke forced himself to stand up, and look directly into Dark’s eyes. He then drew in a deep breath, and exhaled, trying to calmly cope with this. Normally, Daisuke would’ve have freaked out a lot more, but the shock suppressed any spastic actions from him. He watched as his older brother walked down the stairs, into the living room and kitchen area. Willing his legs to move, Daisuke walked quickly, soon next to Dark, matching his pace. “Are you sure you should just walk in?” He whispered.

“What? Do you want to me to appear in a burst of light or something? I’ve only had a year’s worth of training, relax. I’ll remember to make a flashy appearance for your birthday, okay?”

“What, no I- Dark! If they see you, who knows how they’ll react! ‘Hi Mom, Dad, Grandpa, and Wiz, I just thought I should drop by after being dead for a year!’”

“If they can see me, do you want to try to hide your tall angel brother from a snoopy mother, a father who notices too much in people’s actions, a grandpa who likes to mess with people, and a clingy little brother?”

Daisuke would’ve responded, but that’s when Wiz came into his line of vision.

“Nii-chan! You’re back!” The young glutton shouted happily.

“Yeah. Did you finish your strawberries?” Daisuke responded nervously.

Wiz nodded, and showed the empty bowl to his older brother proudly. “Thank you!”

“Wiz, don’t you notice, I don’t know, maybe, your angel brother? The one who died last year?” Dark asked, waving his hand in front of Wiz’s big, red eyes. No response. He tried touching Wiz, only for nothing to happen.

“Nii-chan, it’s cold.” Wiz said, rubbing his arm where Dark had attempted making contact.

“Wh- Uh- You’re probably only saying that because the strawberries came from the fridge! They must’ve left you a little cold.” Daisuke lied. He was a terrible liar, and could almost never get out of something he was caught doing. His only chance of ever succeeding in tricking someone was if it was his friend, Saehara, or Wiz.

“Ohhh.” Wiz said, looking as if Daisuke had told him some unknown, universal truth. This look of new knowledge was wiped of his face immediately as he looked at the clock. “Nii-chan! It’s time, Nii-chan! It’s time for my show!” He shouted happily, racing to the couch.

“Right…” Was Daisuke’s absent minded response as he flicked the TV on and to the right channel. “Hey, Wiz, I just remembered. I… Have… Homework. I have homework due tomorrow, so I’m going to go work on that, okay? I need you to stay here and watch your show. If you can do that, I’ll give you more strawberries.”

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