XVI. Big Brothers Have Big Mouths

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  • Dedicated to Cassia (My Cruel Moirail who made me write a lot <>)

There was silence on the other line for a while.

“No way, do you think he died? Or Krad kidnapped him?” Dark asked from behind Daisuke. Daisuke shot the angel a glare, although the worry was evident. He glanced back at the phone, waiting for a response.

“Niwa? Is someone else there?”

Daisuke’s face paled. Could Hiwatari hear Dark? How? No one else could.

“W-what? No, of course not. Why?” Another bad lie. Daisuke thought of taking lessons from Dark, but brushed that idea aside.

“... I thought… I heard someone there with you…”

“Oh, ah ha, well, that must’ve just been Wiz playing downstairs, he gets kind of loud sometimes. But you know, that’s how little brothers are!” Hiwatari would have to be super out of it not to detect that lie from the tone of Daisuke’s voice alone.

“What the… Can he hear me?” Dark muttered, examining the phone. “Hello? Hiwatari? Don’t fall for my evil twin’s tricks! He’s evil! Don’t go to the dark side, go to Dark’s side.”

Daisuke might’ve hit Dark if he thought Hiwatari wouldn’t hear the sound of someone being hit. Instead, he covered the receiver on the phone, and turned to look at his brother. “Will you shut up. What if he can hear you? We don’t know if he really has seen Krad.” He hissed, forcing himself to stay quiet this time.

“Fine, fine…” Dark huffed, holding up his hands in mock surrender.

Daisuke uncovered the receiver at put the phone back to his ear.

“Niwa, are you sure everything’s okay? I heard a lot of muffled talking and static. Is your phone alright?” Hiwatari asked.

“Oh, I must be getting bad signal, that’s all. I’ll, uh, talk to you later, since you seem to be fine and everything right now. Bye!” Without waiting for a response like he normally would, he simply hung up, and whipped around towards Dark.

“Dark! Are you insane? You shouldn’t keep talking because you think he can hear you! Who knows what would happen? People finding out that demons and angels exist could completely mess with the world, and what if Krad was involved with Hiwatari? If Hiwatari actually had any ties that made him loyal to Krad while you two were alive, then who knows how he’d react? Plus, say Krad’s actually there. Then they know you’re here, and if they know that, won’t that make things harder for us? Wouldn’t it be better to be secretive and stop anything from happening to any of us at the same time?”

“Yikes, alright, alright, I’m sorry. I just kinda figured that if Krad didn’t get to him yet, then by talking to him,w e could help him out! Jeez, cut me some slack. In case you forgot, Mr. Unbeliever, I haven’t 100% finished all of my training. Heck, I just learned how to go between Heaven and Earth today. Today! I’ve been an angel for a year. Plus, you’re doing it again.”

“Alright, you have a point, but bad things could still happen! And what exactly am I doing again? You’re so vague.”

“You’re yelling, Daisuke.”

“What? So? You’re yelling at me too!”

“Yeah, but only you and Hiwatari can hear me. Even then, I only really come out as a muffled voice and static to him. You’re the only person who can hear me clearly.”

“... Good point… But still, at least try to think things over, please.”

“Alright, fine.”

“Thank you.”

“... You know, Daisuke… You’re pretty worried about Hiwatari, aren’t you?”

“Well, yeah, he’s my friend, why wouldn’t I worry about him?”

Dark quirked an eyebrow and grinned suggestively, until a flying pillow sent by an embarrassed Daisuke hit him in the face.

“It’s not like that, shut up!”

“I’m just sayin’!”

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