Chapter 4__Memory Lane

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A cup held over my head with a strong smell of bourbon made me wake in the morning, and I opened my eyes to look at the girl standing above me.

"You got hammered last night, didn't you?" Katherine asked.

I sat straight up in a second's notice, standing and backing away from her. 

She chuckled. "Relax, Nicola. I'm not gonna fight or try to kill you when you're tired and hung over. It's not a fair fight." 

"Since when do you care about a fair fight?" I asked.

"Hmm," Katherine hummed. "Good point." 

As she started to rush toward me, I pulled the sword down from the wall, pointing it toward her.

She stopped, smiling. "Now, Nikki, what do you think that you can do with that?" 

"Why don't we find out?" I asked.

She gave me a look as if she respected me, and we heard Stefan behind me. "Katherine. Leave her alone. Nicola. Put the sword away." 

"Okay," Katherine said, perking up easily as Stefan walked closer with a glass of blood.

I put the sword on the wall as he looked at the journal on the table, telling Katherine, "You shouldn't read someone's journal." 

"I know, I'm sorry," Katherine said. "It was just too tempting. All of your inner thoughts and feelings laying there on your desk for me to read." 

He picked up the journal and Katherine took the glass of blood in his hand as he said, "Damon's private stock." 

"That's right!" Katherine said, pointing at him. "You don't do human. I read that." 

"And I'm gone," I said as she took a drink from the blood, walking for the table with my leather jacket and keys on the top, grabbing both and walking for the door. 

"Bye, Nikki," Katherine said tauntingly as I opened the door.

"Bye, bitch," I said, closing the door on Stefan's small smile. 

I was not staying there in the same house with her.

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