Chapter 22__As I Lay Dying

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I walked into the parlor seeing Damon burn in the sunlight. "What the hell are you doing? Stop!"

Stefan rushed toward him, pushing him into the wall, out of the sunlight.

"Get off of me," Damon said.

"You're not doing this," Stefan said.

"Just did," Damon said. He looked at me. "You saw what happened to Rose, Nikki. It's not pretty, is it?"

"You're bit?" I demanded as I walked closer.

"Yep," Damon answered. "Tyler Lockwood. What happened to Rose is gonna happen to me."

"I don't care," Stefan said. "You're not dying today."

Stefan and Damon disappeared, leaving me upstairs in confusion.


A few minutes later, Stefan came back up and looked at me. "I need your help with Damon."

"Really?" I asked. "Now you guys want my help?" I folded my arms over my chest. "I thought I wasn't allowed to help, just idly sit by while you try to sacrifice yourself on an alter of blood."

"Nicola, please," Stefan said.

I exhaled, nodding.


In the basement, I looked at Damon in the cell. He was looking at the bad werewolf bite. "Well, that looks bad."

"It feels worse," Damon said. "My subconscious is haunting me, Nikki. Please tell me you have something for that."

I put the Scotch glass on the barred window of the door with Damon's daylight ring. "Double shot."

I poured the Scotch into the glass as Damon slowly, weakly stood, walking closer. "That's good." He took his ring. "Oh, good." He took the glass. "So Stefan sent you for suicide watch? You should be tired of babysitting and nursing werewolf-bit vampires? You must be getting really good at that."

"We're just trying to help," I said.

"He's doing what he always does, trying to right the wrongs of my past," Damon said. Hurting, Damon screamed. "Though you should hate me, want me dead. Let's not forget I snapped your father's neck the last time I got out of this cell. I'm delusional, hallucinating. If I get out, what's stopping me from snapping yours?"

"Okay, give me your glass," I told him. "Neither of us is drink enough for this conversation."

Damon came closer, his hand vamp-speeding out of the window and gripping my throat. "I did this to Zach too, remember? But I don't want out this time. I want you to kill me. Kill me. Please."

"Screw you," I said through his hand, taking a vervain dart and stabbing it into his hand.

Damon let go, falling. "No. Elena?"

"Elena's not here, Damon," I told him.


I looked down at Damon on the floor as Damon said, "I need blood. I need blood."

I walked down the hall to the deep freezer, opening it and grabbing a blood bag. Hearing something, I turned my head to look over my shoulder.

Sheriff Forbes was pointing a gun at me. "Where's Damon?"

"Oh, not this again," I said. She started to walk down the hall, and I blocked her way. "You know, now's not a good time, Sheriff. Trust me."

"Sheriff, over here," a deputy called.

"I wouldn't got in there," I said.

"I just wanna talk him," Sheriff said.

"No, don't go in there!" I told her.

I tried to go after her when two deputies grabbed me, pulling me back.

I exhaled. "Seriously?"

Deja vu.

They took me to the station.


I was in Sheriff's office with Elena when Sheriff walked in.

"Where's Damon?" I demanded. "What did you do to him?"

"Why do you even care?" Sheriff asked. "You know what they are, what they do."

"Look, I understand why you hate them, but you're wrong," Elena said.

"They're murderers, Elena," Sheriff said. "End of story."

A deputy walked in. "Damon Salvatore was just spotted outside entering the Grill."

Sheriff started to walk for the door when I said, "Wait. You've gotta let me come with you. He's sick. He's . . . He's not himself."

Sheriff looked at the deputy. "Keep them here."

She left, and as Elena and I started to follow, the deputy locked us in.


I had my eyes locked on the window as Elena paced back and forth. "We have to get out of here but there's no way out."

I tilted my head. "Seriously?"

Elena looked at me. "What?"

I nodded to the window, grabbing a chair and swinging it toward the window, letting it go and letting it shatter through the window.

Elena looked back at me. "Okay, good. You check one side of the square, I'll check the other, and we'll meet at the Grill."

"Sounds like a plan to me," I said, climbing out of the broken window first.


I got the phone call from Elena as I looked around the square, Gone with the Wind playing as I answered the phone. "Did you find him?"

"Yeah," Elena answered. "I already brought him home."

"Okay," I said. "I'll be there soon."

I hung up, walking back toward the house--I didn't have my car.


I walked into Damon's room, seeing Katherine walk toward me. "Hey, Nikki. They'll explain the newest of your group's little problems. It's about Stefan."

Then she was walking out and leaving, hopefully forever.

I looked at Stefan and Damon. "What did she mean about Stefan?"

They hesitated, but they told me Stefan had to leave with Klaus to save Damon's life.

Were you kidding me?!

Book three: Reverse Psychology

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