Chapter 11. Revelation

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Rias was visibly angry at Akeno and Issei for being so ignorant. Akeno demanded explanation of what's happening.

"Why would a person like him protect me? Did you forget that he abandoned me, Rias?" Akeno said.

"He..He never really abandoned you. He left you so that you'll be safe from Dagon and Lucifer." Rias said gloomly.

"By leaving me to starve and die alone?" Akeno started being sarcastic.

"Akeno, he did it so you'll be hateful towards him. Otherwise you'd still follow him and endanger yourself." Ajuka replied.

"He planned out things from the start, you being here wasn't a coincidence either.  He planned it so you'll be under my protection, he gave me your exact location and such. If he didn't, even I don't know what that clansmen of yours were going to do with you. You were never in any real danger as he often watches you afar, getting rid of any danger if there were any. He wanted you to make friends, and indeed you did." Rias explained.

"Earlier, he even enchanted this place so Lucifer can't track this place down. He'd never let anyone hurt you lady." Ajuka continued.

"Akeno, Issei. Why would you hurt someone as kind as that..? That's not right, you guys should apologize to him." Asia interrupted.

Akeno went silent and took a moment to digest all of that information. She started crying and kneeled to the ground.

"I-I don't believe this, why would he do something like that??" Akeno shouted.

Rias and Ajuka looked at each other while smiling and then turned to Akeno.

"Isn't it obvious?" Xenovia jumped in.

"It's because he loves you, silly." Asia giggled.

Akeno's eyes widen and her pupil dilated. She remembered how she spent her good old times with you. She went silent again after that.

"....Now I feel bad, this Cain guy literally will do something that I wouldn't have. I don't think I can continue this relationship with you Akeno. If anyone deserves to spend time with you, I believe it's him. " Issei said.

"Great, one less love rival that is!" Xenovia and Asia both laughed.

"I-I don't know what to say..." Akeno cried.

"Go outside and talk to him, and I mean right now!" Rias insisted.

Akeno ran to the entrance and shouted your name.

"Cain!" Akeno shouted.

You turned around to see Akeno running towards you. She jumped and hugged you as hard as she could. You hugged her back while tears came running from your eye up a little bit.

"What's with the sudden change of heart?" You asked.

"Rias and Ajuka explained everything." Akeno replied.

"Oh? I-I see, did Issei heard of it too?" You said while blushing.

"Of course he did, he kind of discouraged himself into marrying me after hearing your story." Akeno said while hugging you

"Are you sure about that? I once caught you and him trying to have sex to make you "forget" about Baraqiel.." You said sarcastically.

"Huh? So you were watching me all along! What a naughty man you are." Akeno blushed heavily.

"It's strange, it just felt like yesterday when you were sitting on my lap and enjoying the campfire when you were little. You grow up fast, Akeno." You smiled to her.

You both hugged affectionately, Rias' peerage along with Ajuka came not long after that.

"Awh, they're so sweet aren't they? I just wish Issei would be as half as sweet as he is." Asia stared at Issei while he looked down on himself.

"I just wish your brother is here to see this." Ajuka said to Rias.

"Yeah, he would've been so happy for them." Rias said.

Suddenly, Ajuka looked worried as if something's not right.

"Something the matter?" Rias asked.

"I don't know, I feel a presence. A bad one." Ajuka said.

Ajuka wanted to tell you about this, but suddenly someone appeared behind Akeno while you were hugging her. It's Dagon, and he quickly stabbed you and Akeno with his needle like arm. His arm ran through you and Akeno. You were horrifed as Akeno coughed up blood unto you. Lucifer appeared shortly after.

"That's dirty, even for you. They were in a middle of a hug you know, and you made them to a shish kebab." Lucifer chuckled.

"Two birds, one stone." Dagon quickly replied.

You received minor damage since you're an immortal, but Akeno can die from bloodloss so you rushed to heal Akeno before anything happens. Ajuka and Rias' peerage attacked Dagon almost immediately. Lucifer watched as you tried to heal Akeno.

"Don't do that, I'm only here to fulfill my promise. Let me kill her, Cain." Lucifer laughed.

"You, stay away!" You panicked as you heal Akeno on your lap.

"Dagon didn't wound her enough, let me show you how to do it right." Lucifer draws his sword.

"NO! STOP!!" You shouted. 

You tried to cover her from the sword, but Lucifer pulled her away from you and stabbed her countless times. Lucifer then threw Akeno to you after he was done.

You panicked and checked her pulse and everything.

You got nothing, she's dead.

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