Part 14: Date

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I don't care what they say.

Last night I was watching movies with the guys when I got a message from Taehyung.
He wants to go on a date with me. And I said yes. I know it's early but I need to move on.
I hope this works out.
When i got out of bed, I grabbed clothes and a bag. I went to the bathroom and showered.
I wore my clothes and got downstairs.
I made some breakfast and ate it.
Sehun came downstairs and sat next to me.
"Are you going somewhere?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm going on a date." I said while eating.
"DATE?!" Sehun screamed.
"Yeah...What's wrong?" I asked.
"I want to go on a date to..." he startedwhile pouting.

"Well, then you should ask me..." i said while laughing..

"Who said i want to date you?I want to go with Luhan!" he said while smiling.
"Then you should as him..." i said while laughing.

"Okay...Im leaving!" I said while walking outside. I was walking to the Parc where me and Taehyung would meet.
I saw Taehyung sitting on a bench and sat next to him. "Oh hey, You're here already!" Taehyung said. "Yeah!" I said with a big smile. We walked through the parc and talked a little bit.
"So, You're a famous idol now?" He said
"Yeah, I think so..." I said.
"You got a whole makeover." He said while checking me out.
"Stop staring!" I said while laughing.
"But you look great!" He said while laughing with me.
"Thank you!" I said, still laughing about what happend.
"Let's eat something!" He requested
"Yeah sure! Let's go to that small Italian restaurant!" I said.
"Yes, let's go!" He said and grabbed my hand.
He started walking faster and faster.
"OMG, I WANT FOOD!" He screamed while walking. I was laughing like crazy because of him.
When we came in the restaurant, we sat down in a table. We ate a lot of food and talked. But one couple caught our attention.
It where Jimin and Lisa. I thought he didn't like this restaurant? Or was it because I was going with him. Probably that.
I saw that she got a necklace from him but what was worse was that it was mine.
I layed it on our closet when I grabt my stuff to leave.
I was heartbroken after doing that, it was a sign that our relationship from 4 years was over.

Taehyung spotted that I was uncomfortable, so he asked for the bill.
When he payed which i didn't wanted because I could pay for myself. But you know Taehyung, he always wants to be a gentlemen.

When we got outside I noticed that Jimin was looking at us through the window.
"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked while hugging me.
"Yeah, I'm okay!" I said while smiling and hugging him back.
"So, you want to see the dorm i live?" I asked
He nodded and we walked to the dorm.
When we came there I opened the door and we walked inside.
We got greeted by all of the boys.

Changed✔ Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now