Chapter Four

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The following morning, Hela awoke to Natasha opening her door.
"Get ready. We need you." She told Hela.
Hela nodded and rolled out of bed. She never changed last night and walked up to Natasha. Natasha kept her eyes on Hela as they walked down the hall. Hela saw Thor talking with someone. Through the glass window, Thor bolted to the person and Tony and Steve held him back. Thor's eyes met with Hela's and he gave her a sympathetic look. Hela furrowed her eyebrows and he looked over at Natasha. Hela looked up at her and smiled weakly. Then, Thor mouthed 'run'. Hela passed the glass and knew something bad was going to happen to her. Hela didn't know if she should run or not. Hela looked up at the ceiling and saw that cameras lined up the walls. She sighed and put her head down as she continued to walk with Natasha. After some time, she opened a door and let Hela enter first. Natasha closed the door and Hela turned to see Natasha on the other side of it. Hela furrowed her eyebrows and tried to read her face for any emotions or clues as to what was going to happen to her. Natasha walked away and Hela turned around. There was a large table with two agents by it and Nick walked over to her.
"Good morning, Hela. We just need to give you something and then Thor will be here to take you to your father." Nick told her.
"You can't do that to her. She's only a child." Thor told them.
"Thor, she has the power to kill anyone with the touch of her fingers. It needs to somehow be extracted and we need to run tests on her." Bruce said.
"Her powers cannot ever be extracted. She is of the prophecy. It foretold of her coming. You can't extract it. It will stay there forever until the day she dies." Thor explained.
"What prophecy?" Steve asked.
"In the prophecy, it said that the first child of Loki and Sigyn was to possess a power unlike any other. She could kill anyone with just the touch of her fingers. She was to learn to control it but, these things came and invaded Asgard to try and take her and use her as their weapon. We fought them off, but, before we did, Sigyn was killed and Loki sent Hela off to Midgard. She does not know of her power and I do not wish to ever let her know of it. No one should know of that power. If she knew and she started to kill everything, it would be chaos for her and everyone. It's better if she doesn't know." Thor explained.
"Thor, how long will this go on though. Nick has taken her blood and now he's injecting her with some things that even I don't know what the hell they are. She's a smart girl. She will start to ask questions." Tony told him.
"He's doing what to her?" Thor asked.
"He's trying to see exactly where the power is being used in her body so he can remove it." Bruce replied.
"What do you mean?" Thor asked.
"What he means is that, if the power is found in a kidney, he's going to remove that kidney so she won't have the power." Natasha replied.
"But, this power surges everywhere through her body." Thor told them.
They all shrugged and Thor ran out of the room to where Hela was.
Hela lay on the table as Nick put a needle into her arm. Hela winced in pain and Nick patted her shoulder.
"You're going to be fine, Hela. This will only take a few minutes. Sit back and relax while it finishes." Nick told her.
"But, I'm scared. What are you doing to me? You take my blood and you put this liquid into me and you won't tell me what it is. Why am I here?" Hela asked.
"To help turn your father back." Nick replied.
"Then why do this stuff to me. It makes no sense." Hela said.
"Because you're special, Hela. You may not see it, but trust us." Nick explained.
Hela furrowed her eyebrows and Nick smirked. She sat back on the table and watched as the blue liquid was being injected into her body. Hela waited patiently and jumped when the door slammed open. Thor ran in and Nick gave him a look. Thor removed the needle from Hela's arm and helped her off the table.
"I am taking her to Loki and I don't ever want you doing this to her again," Thor whispered to Nick. "She is my niece and I am tell you what you can't and cannot do to her."
Thor took Hela's hand and the two left the room. Hela turned to look at Nick and he had his eyes narrowed at her. Hela jumped when the doors closed and she looked back at Thor.
"Uncle, what's happening?" Hela asked.
"Nothing. We're just going to see your father." Thor replied.
"No. Something else is going on and I wish to know what." Hela told him.
Thor looked at her and she crossed her arms. Even though she was scared, she tried to look mad.
"The power that I talked to you about. The one inside of you. They wish to extract it, but it is impossible." Thor explained.
"Is that why they took my blood and put that stuff in me?" Hela asked.
Thor nodded and Hela sighed. She locked her arm around his and he took her to Loki. There, Thor opened the doors and Hela walked in. Thor remained outside and Hela looked at the glass container. Loki was walking back and forth and he seemed to be thinking about something. He made a double take at Hela and he scoffed.
"You again?" He asked.
"Yes." Hela replied.
Loki walked up to the front of the glass and Hela walked right on up to him.
"What is it that you want?" Loki asked angrily.
"Uncle told me that I had to help you change. He said that this isn't me real dad. I saw my real dad yesterday and I want to see him again." Hela replied.
Loki chuckled at her and walked away.
"Your father is not here nor will he ever be." Loki told her.
"What did you do to him?" Hela asked.
"I took care of him." Loki replied.
"Who is controlling you?" Hela asked.
Loki kept his back to Hela and never moved. Hela put her hand on the glass and Loki turned around.
"Dad?" She asked.
Hela saw his eyes change color and they looked green. Hela smiled weakly and Loki ran over to the glass. He put his hand on Hela's and smiled at her.
"You're so beautiful, Hela. I wished that I was there for you. They tried to take you away from me. I had to send you away to keep you safe." Loki told her.
"Uncle told me." Hela said.
"You know I did it because I love you, Hela, right?" Loki asked.
"I guess. I don't know. I never knew you. Until now." Hela replied.
Loki bit his lip as he held back his tears. Loki put his forehead on the glass and Hela took a step closer to the glass.
"Listen to me, Hela. I love you with all my heart. I never forgot you. They wanted to take you because of a very special power you possess. They wanted to use you as a weapon. I would never have allowed that. I sent you away to keep you safe. Your mother died because of them. She's in Valhalla now. Oh, if she could see you now." Loki told her.
Hela smiled and Loki smiled as well.
"Your smile is just like hers. I never thought I would see you smile again." Loki said.
"But, what happened to you? Why do you change like this? Why are you so rude and mean but then you're loving and kind? What's going on?" Hela asked.
"A man took me in and is using me to do his dirty work. He brainwa-"
Loki cut himself off as he slammed his hands on the glass. Hela jumped and backed away. Loki chuckled deeply as she did and Hela felt tears fall from her eyes. Loki stood up straight and Hela looked up at Loki.
"What have you done with my dad? Why are you doing this to him?" Hela asked.
"Hela, my dear. I don't think Thor is telling you everything you want to know. I know about you and who you are. I know about your powers and I want to help you." Loki replied.
"No. You aren't my dad." Hela said.
Loki sighed as Hela ran out the doors.
"No, let me speak with my daughter! This isn't fair! She's doing nothing wrong, please! I beg of you!" Loki screamed.
Hela turned to look at him.
"No! You shut up or I'll hurt you!" Loki screamed.
Thor opened them and Hela ran over to him.
"What did he say? Did he speak about anything?" Thor asked.
"I think he was trying to say that he was brainwashed." Hela replied.
"Brainwashed?" Thor asked.
Hela nodded.
"What else did he say?" Thor asked.
"The other one told me you aren't telling me everything I want to know. He also said that he knew about my powers and that he wanted to help me." Hela replied.
"That man doesn't know what he's talking about, Hela. Don't listen to him." Thor told her.
"I don't want to be here anymore." Hela said.
"Hela, until your real father is here and well, then you may leave." Thor told her.
Hela nodded and Thor brought her back to her room. She got into her bed and fell asleep. Hela wished to be back at the orphanage. She didn't like any of this. Hela knew they were keeping secrets from her but she didn't know what they were. Hela didn't know who she could trust. She didn't even know if she could trust Thor. So far the only person she thought was telling the truth was Loki, but he wasn't really him. Or was he? Hela was so confused and had no idea what to do.

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