Love Like A Tidal Wave.

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"Kell, you okay? You look kind of shaken up." One of my best friends, Tony, asked quietly.
I nodded quickly. "Yeah, yeah. I'm good.
My other best friend, Jaime, slammed his locker beside Tony, making us both jump. "I finally got my license guys! No more taking the bus for us!" He cheered in his usual loud manner. "So are we all headed to your place to play video games and eat your food?" Jaime directed at me.
"Sorry, guys. Mom texted me in science saying we were getting some guests. She probably doesn't want anyone else to come over until they're all settled in." Both guys looked a little upset, but understood. I didn't really have any friends besides Tony and Jaime. It wasn't that no one else liked me, it's just that I'm not a huge fan of people. The only time I'm ever comfortable in a crowd is if I'm at a concert.
I sat in the back of Jaime's new old car while Tony sat in the passenger's seat. Almost as soon as Jaime started the car, Tony was messing with the radio, turning to a punk rock station. Tony loved this type of music, and by default, so did we.
By car, I only lived about ten minutes away from our school. When Jaime pulled into my driveway, there was already an unfamiliar, shiny red car with a scratch on the side. It looked like it had been keyed.
"You sure we can't come in? I haven't seen your mom in like, forever." Jaime said, winking. He's had a crush on my mom for years, and never passes up an opportunity to flirt with her. Strangely enough, she flirted right back. Not that they would ever do anything - it was all strictly in fun - but my mom simply didn't get phased by much. She was pretty cool, in that sense. I got away with a lot more than other kids did.
"Jaime, you saw my mom two days ago. You'll survive." I laughed. He pouted and mumbled something under his breath as I walked up to my front door. Being the assholes they are, as they pulled out of my driveway, Jaime and Tony blasted the loudest music they could find. I was in the middle of flipping them off when my mom answered the door. "Damn it," I whispered.
She just laughed at me and waved at the guys. "Come on."
Dropping my bag and shoes at the front the door, I followed her into the kitchen where I heard soft cries. Giving my mom a look, she tried to explain. "Kellin, this is Vivian. Her husband is kind of...abusive. We're the only place she could think of to stay where he couldn't find her." I nodded in understanding. While it probably would've been best to go to the police, me and my mom understood why she couldn't. My dad was the same way. He lived in Florida, and one day my mom finally got the balls to leave him. We moved far away, the whole way up to Michigan, where her mother had lived before.
"Nice to meet you." I smiled politely.
"Her sons are out walking, getting to know the town. They'll start school with you tomorrow."
"Yes. Victor is you age, so I've heard. A junior. Michael is a freshman, but a smart freshman. Him and Victor shared a lot of the same classes in San Diego." Vivian said proudly. You could always count on a mother to brag about her children no matter what they're going through themselves.
"I bet." I replied, grinning. If distracting Vivian was the only thing to help her for the moment, then I would do a damn good job at it. "Tell me more." So she did. For the next hour, her face was light as she told me about her sons. You could tell she loved them more than life itself; she would do anything for them. She told me about the time Victor broke his brother's Christmas present on accident and Michael just laughed and wrestled with him. Michael absolutely adored his older sibling. Victor was his hero.
Victor was also his mother's hero. She didn't say so, but the way her eyes filled with reverence and adoration... you could just tell. He was the one who convinced her to leave her husband, she later explained. Whenever he would try and hurt his brother or mother, Victor was the one to stand up for them and most of the times took the blunt of his father's force alone.
After awhile, Vivian trailed off and stared at nothing. "Viv, you okay?" My mom asked.
She jumped out of her daze. "Oh, yes. Do you mind if I go nap for a little? Only until dinner."
"Of course you can. I'm working on dinner right now, and when the boys get home Kellin can show them where they'll be staying and help them adjust."
Vivian got up and grabbed by mother, pulling her into a hug. "Thank you, Lisa. You don't know how much this means to me and the boys."
"Of course, Viv. Now, go lay down. I know you're exhausted. I'll come get you for dinner. Is spaghetti and meatballs okay with you guys?"
"Yes, yes. The boys will eat practically anything." She said, a small smile appearing on her face. Mom led her in the direction of the stairs and walked her up before walked back down and giving me a hug. My mom was definitely a hugger.
"So how was your day, hon?" She asked me, turning to the stove to start cooking the meatballs.
Crazy. I learned I'm some freak of nature. Literally. "Interesting. Mr. Barakat taught me a lot today." Not a lie. I wasn't really a big fan of lying to my mom.
She grinned. "Good, good. I like Mr. Barakat. He seems like a nice fellow." We had an open house a few weeks ago, and my mom and Jack hit it off well.
"He really is. He really helps out a lot." I told her about the rest of my day and scolded her for almost getting me detention.
"Hey, that's not my fault! You should have hid your phone better!" She exclaimed, hitting me with a dishtowel.
"I wouldn't have had to hide it at all if you didn't text me in class!" I giggled as she aimed a piece of raw spaghetti at me, hitting me right in the nose. "Oh, it's on now!" I jumped up and tackled her while she tried to repel me with more spaghetti.
We were rolling around laughing on the floor, surrounded by spaghetti noodles when the doorbell rang. "Oh, I bet that's Vic and Mike! I think you'll like them a lot..." My mom continue rambling, but I was too focused on the prominent itch reappearing in my hands and the water pooling in my palms for the second time today.
"I'll be right back mom, I'm gonna go to the bathroom!" I yelled, shutting and locking the bathroom door before she could protest. water was dripping all over the floor and right before I put my hands over the sink they exploded with water, pelting me and the bathroom mirror. Thankfully, my hands were turned so that the water only hit my face and a little of my torso. I could easily say the sink malfunctioned and not get questioned on why I was soaking wet.
It happened just like it did in school, except this time I was a little less tired after, as in I could stay on my feet and not practically pass out. Leaning against the door, my mom pounded on the door in worry. "I'm fine mom, give me five minutes! The sink is acting up again!" It helps that we actually had a faulty sink.
"Alright, honey..." Grabbing a towel, I dried myself off as much as I could before returning to the kitchen. My mom was talking to two guys with long hair. One was about six foot tall, but the other was about the same height as my 5'5" body, maybe a little taller. The tall one was covered in tattoos, shivering in a tank top and gym shorts. The shorter one had a navy blue sweater on with light skinny jeans. I cleared my throat, and six eyes turned to stare at my wet stature. "Is the sink okay now or do I need to call someone to look at it?"
I waved a hand dismissively. "Nah, I got it. It should be fine now."
She smiled at me. "Great. Now, these are Viv's boys. Mike," He gave me a gesture as a hello, "Who will be staying in the guest room, and Vic, who will be staying with you. I pulled the mattress out of the storage. You guys can move it upstairs. I hope you don't mind, Kells, but I went up to your room and cleared a spot so you guys can just move it up." Vic wouldn't meet my eyes. He didn't seem like the type of guy to stand up for his family. His body language said he was shy, introverted, self-conscious. Despite this, he put me on edge, made my heart beat a little faster.
"Right. Well, I guess you guys can grab your stuff and I'll show you your rooms." I told them. They went to grab their stuff laying in the living room before following me upstairs.
"Dinner will be ready in about half and hour!" My mom yelled after us.
I walked Mike down to the guest room first. "So, yeah. It's small, sorry about that, but there you go." Mike thanked me with a nod. He was very quiet. He shut his door before Vic and I could even turn around.
"Sorry, he's used to having to stay quiet or get slapped." Vic explained. I knew the feeling.
I stopped in front of my - our - room. "So, you wanna drop your stuff off in here and then we can bring the mattress up?" Vic mumbled something that sounded like a yes and threw in stuff in the room right next to my bed. He still refused to look me in the eyes.
Getting the bed in our room wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. We got in in the corner opposite of my own bed, and Vic hastily moved his things from the floor to his mattress. He started to get to work on making his bed and reorganizing things. "So, do you know how long you'll be here for? Not that I care, I'm just curious..."
He sighed, finding his bedsheets before replying. "Until we can get jobs and save up enough money to move out. Probably not more than a few months." He back stayed facing me.
"Are you okay?" I asked. He turned towards me and looked me in the eyes for the first time.
My chest exploded. His deep brown eyes stared into my green eyes, and I knew it. This was my partner. My other half. And judging by the look of total adoration that came over him, he knew too.
There were no words spoken between us. There was nothing to be said. I hurled myself at Vic, who caught me a lifted me up, letting my wrap my legs around his waist. Oh god, the muscles in his strong arms flexed as he held me. We waisted no time in smashing our lips together in a desperate sloppy kiss. One of his hands was on my cheek, and I grabbed it with my hand, twisting our fingers together as our palms touched. The second our hands came in contact, there was a strange tingling sensations that coursed through my entire body. Vic moved his lips from my mouth down my jawline and to my neck, finding the sweet spot right under my ear that made me swoon against him. My head leaned against his. My eyes traveled down to our tightly connected hands and nearly screamed when I realized what was happening.
Jack had told me my partner would have fire powers, but he hadn't explained to me what would happen if we touched one another. Water was flowing from my hands like it had multiple times today, and the same was happening to Vic. Except for him, instead of harmless water, a raging fire was fiercely trying to find its way around my water. Thanks to me though, Vic's fire didn't fly more than a few feet away from us. My water contained it perfectly.
We were impeccably amazing.

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