Your Demons Have Found You.

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Kellin's POV

The plan was going to work and I was going to get out of here in, according to Austin, less than 24 hours. It was the first time since my dad had kidnapped me that I felt hopeful, excited even.

Still, my heart hurt and I felt like bawling like a baby and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why.

"Hey, you alright?" Alan whispered, looking in at me suspiciously.

"No." I answered honestly, surprised my voice didn't break. My eyes were becoming blurry with unshed tears.

"What's going on? Is it your leg?" Now that he mentioned it, my leg had been burning for hours, but it was nothing compared to the heartbreak inside me. My arms wrapped themselves around my torso in comfort, but they weren't the arms my body longed for.


"Is it your pain or your partner's pain?" Was his next question. It had to be Vic's. There was no reason I could think of that I would feel this way.

"It's Vic's." I gasped softly.

Alan gave me a look of sympathy. "I'm sorry. You know I would help if I could."

"I know you would." I replied under my breath. "What time is it?"

"Almost noon. Alex got into contact with Austin earlier and told him they would be here around five."

"How is he talking to Alex without anyone becoming suspicious?"

Alan chuckled. "Austin is considered a very trustworthy person here. He's your dad's second in command. Your dad thinks he's 'teaching you a lesson' down here when he's actually bringing you food and medicine. No one questions him. They know better."

"Why hasn't he been ordered to kill me yet?"

"The Resistance likes to have fun with their prey before getting rid of it. I think their plan is to kill you tomorrow night." Even though I knew I'd be long gone from here by then, I still shivered and Alan's causal mention of my impending death.

Both of our heads snapped up as the familiar tap of boots approaching was heard. "Speak of the devil..." I grinned.

"And I shall appear." Austin finished. He opened my cage and laid down my usual tray filled with bread and medical supplies. "I'm actually here for a reason this time."

I raised my eyebrows. "You mean, other than feeding me?"

"Yeah. Have you tried walking on you legs?" I immediately shook my head no, fearing where this was going. "Sorry, Kellin. You've gotta try. Let me clean you up and we can start trying."

My bandages hadn't been checked or changed since last night when Austin was here last. The first leg Austin went to change, the one with only one bullet would, was healing very well. It didn't seem to have hit the bone and only hurt when I would touch it. There was no shell and it was already scabbed over. Austin smiled and told me I should be waling very soon. He barely had to clean it.

Then he went to check my other leg.

One of the wounds was healing alright. Not as well as the one on my other leg, but it was getting there. Austin believed the shell was still in the wound on that one and that's why it was taking longer to heal. However, the second wound on that leg looked nothing like the other two. It was obviously infected. It was inflamed and red around the wound and weeping pus. Alan had to turn away. "Shit." Was the only thing that came out of his mouth.

I put my hand over my mouth and bit into it to keep from screaming as Austin tried his best to clean it out. When he finished, it looked a lot better than it had, but nowhere near as good as the other two. "Make sure you get right to the hospital when you get out of here." Austin told me. "Tell them it was your dad who shot you. Don't mention the Resistance or they'll lock you up in some institution." I nodded, showing I understood. "I'll be back down here by four, unless they come early. Kellin, try and walk a little. I know especially with that infection it's going to hurt a lot, but you need to try. I have no idea what condition those guys are going to be in when they find you, and they might not be able to carry you." I internally groaned, but said nothing as Alan and I watched Austin disappear aboveground.

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