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The doorbell ringing woke me up from my afternoon nap. "I got it!" I yelled to Vic and Mike as I rolled of the couch and jogged to the front door. After six months of being together, we turned eighteen within a week of one another. Our first task was finding an apartment to live in together so we could have more...alone time. However, Mike ended up moving in with us - not that we really minded - because he felt safer with Vic.

It only took Mike a few weeks to recover from being shot, and after that Vic convinced his mom to get him into therapy. He started going once a week, then twice. Soon, they had him admitted to a psychiatric hospital, where he stayed for three months. When he came home, Vic and I were in the process of moving, and his mom knew Vic would take care of his brother. My mom and Vivian now lived together.

Even after Mike got home from the hospital, his urges to self harm had barely changed. He still felt like doing it all the time, but he came to me, Vic, Tony, or Jaime a lot more and talked to us instead of going to the blade. "I guess some people just don't get that happy ending." Is what he told us. It broke Vic's heart to hear that. I remember holding him as he cried himself to sleep that night. The longest Mike's gone without self harming is a week, but we all agree it's better than him only being able to make it a day.

Despite me telling them I would answer the door, I heard two sets of feet coming down stairs. I opened the door to reveal Jaime and Tony just as they reached the bottom. "Tony!" Mike grinned as they walked past me. Tony opened his arms and Mike flew into them as they shared a passionate kiss. Throughout the past few months while Vic and I were working through learning all of the Elemental stuff, like how to control our powers, Tony had gotten to know Mike very well. When we weren't with him, Tony was. When he was in the hospital, Tony came to visit him every day without fail. They hadn't made anything official until about two weeks ago, but Vic, Jaime and I knew they were absolutely deeply in love.

"Well hello to you too!" Jaime grumbled. Vic and I laughed as Tony and Mike pulled back from each other blushing.

"Oh, please. We all know the real reason you came here, Jaime." Vic teased. Now it was Jaime's turn to blush. When Mike came home, it was really hard for him to leave the house. It still is. He's finishing his class work online and Vic or I do the grocery shopping. When he has good days, we take him on a walk around the block or to the park down the street, but most times, he has an anxiety attack just thinking of leaving the house. So, we got a therapist who would come to visit Mike every five days. Her name was Jamie and she was one of the sweetest people I'd ever met. Her and Jaime hit it off instantly. They both had the same sense of humor and childlike hyperness. They were adorable, and Vic and I had been betting on how long it would take for Jaime to ask her on a date. He still hasn't, but I think he will soon. On the days he knew she was coming, he made himself a fixture in our house and flirted with her before her appointments with Mike and all throughout dinner afterward - she came later in the day and never made it home in time to have dinner with her roommate, so Vic and I just started cooking for her as a little extra tip. "The appointment isn't for another hour yet."

"He wanted to make sure he didn't miss seeing her!" Tony teased and Jaime's face went even redder than it already was. Vic's strong laugh was right behind me as his arms found their way around my waist. All of the guys already knew about us, and even Jamie knew after an awkward encounter that no one ever talks about. We tried to be very careful, but still, sometimes the lust threw all our common sense out the window. They were hardly bothered by the fire and water that radiated off of us, and since we had learned how to control ourselves for the most part, there was a lot less of both elements. We could even hold hands in public now without anyone noticing.

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