Burnin' Up For You Baby.

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As I woke up, the strong smell of urine and various other unpleasant things choked me. I leaned to the side of the small cot I was laid on, trying to ignore the fire radiating through my legs for the time being. Finding a bucket laying beside my cot, I grabbed it and was immediately sick, clutching at the cold metal as if it were my lifeline. A small, warm hand touched my back, but I was too focused on being sick to care who it was until I had finished. As soon as I came to my senses, I jumped away from the hand, screaming as I moved my legs. Black spots clouded my vision as the pain came in waves, moving up my body like snakes.

"Woah, take it easy. Lay back down." A blurry figure with fire for hair said as he gently pushed me back down so I was laying on the cot once again. I closed my eyes until the pain went away, and when I opened them again bright light assaulted my vision.

"Ahh..." I groaned. In a second the shining light was behind the boy's fiery orange-ish hair. "Who are you?"

"Alan. I'm supposed to be making sure you don't run off or pull anything stupid. Not that you really could." He gestured to the dirty off-white, blood soaked bandages wrapped haphazardly around my calves. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. They could not be sanitary.

"Right." I scoffed and he turned back, walking out of the cell I'm stuck in. Only now was I realizing that I was in something of a jail cell. Carefully, I unwrapped my legs and threw the gross cloth bandages to where Alan was standing on the other side of what could be considered my cage. I almost vomited again when I looked at my legs.

There were two gaping wounds in my right calf, and a similar one on my left. They had stopped bleeding, thankfully, but they definitely did not look healthy. Realization of how bad this actually was was starting to set in. I was going to die in here, probably from infection, within days, if not hours. And when I died, Vic would die too. I was responsible for Vic's life lost too. And what about our parents? What about Tony, Jaime, and Mike? If no one else, they would care.

I hadn't noticed my breathing was faster and I was on the verge of a panic attack until Alan was beside me again, kneeling down to my level, patting my back and trying to get me to breathe again. "Come on, Kellin. We can't have you dying yet." It didn't help when I heard a door slam and footsteps begin to tramp down the stairs. Was this it; was the the time I would die?

As the footsteps became connected to a tall, skinny silhouette carrying a tray of food, I calmed down a little more. At least he wasn't my dad, nor as he holding a gun. And honestly, I was so hungry that I would eat anything, even if they had poisoned it.

"Alan, what's up with him? Is he okay?" As he came out of the dark and stopped next to my cage, I saw he was clad in a black tank top and black jeans with no shoes on his abnormally large feet. Tattoos covered his entire body and I think if I hadn't known Vic I probably would've thought he was hot.

"I think so. Kells, you okay?" Alan asked, standing up and walking to the other man.

"Don't call me Kells." I growled. These people were holding me hostage, ready to watch me die. I didn't want to be any closer to them than I had to be.

"Woah, woah, calm down. Let's not fight." Alan said, raising his hands and taking a step back from me, as if I were a wild animal.

"I don't even know you, and I'm about to die. Don't you dare tell me to calm down." I was seeing red by this point, and it pissed me off that I couldn't move. Sitting in a bed paralyzed wasn't the most intimidating of stances.

"Austin, go upstairs. Let him calm down and we can talk to him later tonight. It's probably better that way, anyhow. Everyone else will be asleep." Alan pushed the tall guy, Austin, out of the cage, following not far behind. He pushed in the tray Austin had brought down containing bread, water, bandages, and rubbing alcohol. What were they playing at; giving me things to help my wounds? Did they have better ways of torturing me than this?

I watched as Austin gave Alan a peck on the lips, turned to me, winked, and ran upstairs without another word. Alan looked back at me. "Clean up and eat. I'm taking the tray up in ten minutes no matter what, so hurry up."


Vic's POV

When the doctors couldn't find anything physically wrong with me despite extensive tests, all they could do was send me home and give me painkillers. My mom and Kellin's mom were terrified. Somehow, Alex and Jack were able to convince them that they were undercover cops that had been watching my dad for awhile for "confidential suspicious illegal activity." They had realistic fake badges and a bunch of fancy federal paper that no one would question. It was impressive. Then again, I guess they had 300 plus years to learn the tricks of the trade. Kellin's mom was more than happy to welcome her into her house to protect us...well, to protect me.

The pain in my legs had subsided by the time they released me with strict instructions to not use my right arm for a month until I came back to see them again. Jack and Alex's theory was that Kellin had passed out from the pain, considering that I had as well.

Having the women totally wrapped around his pinky, Jack convinced them it was necessary for Mike and I to be under heavy protection because we had been with Kellin's dad earlier. Since Kellin's room was the biggest in the house, the four of us camped out in his room.

My face went bright red as they walked in and saw Kellin's burnt bed. "So that's why you guys were late to dinner!" Mike teased and both older men chuckled awkwardly.

"So," I started, changing the subject. "What's the plan? We've gotta get Kellin back by like, yesterday."

"We know." Alex responded in a monotone. "But, you need to rest. You know you're probably going to be going through as much pain as Kellin will be in the next few days, and you need your strength. We should all get sleep so tomorrow we can head out as early as possible. Time is not on our side right now."

"Which is why we should be leaving now!" I said, frustrated. I needed Kellin back!

"Trust us on this. If we go now, none of us will be thinking clearly, and we're all tired. We'll increase the chances of getting into an accident, especially if you're screaming in pain."

"I'll take painkillers."

Alex scoffed. "Painkillers don't work on that kind of stuff, Vic. Sorry. Please, just do this one thing. We understand how hard it is and how much we're asking of you, but honestly, one night isn't going to make a difference. The people in the Resistance need just as much sleep as us. Just sleep tonight. We'll be on the road before you even wake up tomorrow, okay?" Alex and Jack looked at me and Mike with tired, pleading faces.

"Alright, alright." Mike finally gave in, tugging my non-injured arm towards the bathroom. "Come on, bro. Let's get ready for bed."

Shutting the bathroom door behind us, Mike sat down on the side of the tub, putting his head between his legs, breathing heavily. "Mikey? What's going on?"

Tears were starting to run down his face. "You're gonna die, aren't you?" My face hardened, and my silence was enough of an answer for him. "I can't lose you, Vic! You're my big brother; I need you! I just lost dad, and now I'm losing you. Please, don't go. I don't have anyone else. You're the only person I trust." By the end of his small rant, Mike could barely breathe. He was suffocating on his own fear. His face was beginning to turn purple. Shit, how did you get someone to start breathing again?!

"Alex, please help!" I shouted and Alex burst into the room in less than five seconds. Immediately he was next to Mike. In the blur, I remember him getting Mike to breather again and Mike asking to be alone. Alex helped me up and lead me out of the bathroom. As soon as we were out, Mike shut and locked the door. He came out less than five minutes later in an oversized hoodie and sweatpants. His eyes were dull, lifeless, and silently he laid close to me, careful of my shoulder, and fell asleep within minutes.

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