Keep Burning Like Fire.

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"Vic..." I moaned, trying to get him to stop for a moment, but not being very convincing. He quietly back at me, the vibrations on his lips against my neck making me shiver. "Stop for a second."
Instead of stopping, Vic defiantly fell backwards on my bed, grinding his erection into my own. "Oh, fuck Kellin." Vic groaned, doing it again and again, leaving me unable to do anything but feel the pleasure. His calloused hands dug into my hips, holding them in place. He was rough, but somehow gentle at the same time, like he knew my body and exactly how to make it react. I was defenseless against the boy. I resorted to biting Vic's neck, leaving purple love bites all over him and tangling my fingers in his hair, tugging it. However, I nearly jumped off of the bed - pulling Vic with me - when I realized his fire was burning my bed and my water leaving it soaking wet. "Sorry. I didn't expect it to be like that." He said bashfully. The cute blush covering his face made me giggle, and a warmth spread through my body.
"It's okay." I gave him another quick kiss, which probably would have turned into another make out session if I hadn't processed the implication of his words. "Wait, you knew this would happen?"
"Well, not exactly this, but something like it." The confused look on my face made him further elaborate. "So, my dad had this old book. Probably like, at least 100 years old. It was falling apart, the pages were really yellow, all that stuff. Basically, it was filled with a bunch of unpopular urban legends that somehow my dad got his hands on. Anyways, I stole it from him awhile ago and he never noticed. It's one of my favorite books. My favorite legend was the one about the Elementals. I tried to google them awhile back, and I scrolled through over a hundred pages before I gave up on trying to find anything more about them."
"How'd you know you were one?" I cut him off before he could continue.
"Well, there's this part that explains what the 'symptoms' of being an Elemental is. Sweaty, itchy palms, strange anger or calmness, a strange draw to fire or water, not being attracted to anyone except your partner. I showed all of them, and I'm guessing you did too." I nodded. Thinking back, I realized all of this was true. I was very levelheaded, one of the top swimmers on my team, and I had never felt like dating anyone before. "When we got into town this afternoon, I felt my hands starting to get really itchy to the point where they started to burn. I had my mom pull over and I just ran my hands under a bathroom sink until the fire thing went away. I started to feel it again right when I first got here, so I took Mike with me so we could 'explore the town.' I told him everything. I'm surprised he didn't think I was crazy. Then, when we got back here, I felt it again, but much stronger. That was when I knew it was you. I was really quiet when I first saw you because I knew if I tried to talk to you I would probably jump your bones and I don't know how well everyone would react to the whole fire/water explosions thing." He chuckled.
I sat back on my bed for a second. "Just give me a minute to take this in. I just found out about the whole Elemental thing today. It's a lot to process."
"How'd you find out?"
"Well, uh," Was I supposed to them him about Jack and Mr. Gaskarth? "Two of the teachers at school are Elementals." His eyes bulged in surprise.
"No way! Do you know how rare it is to have even one pair of Elementals, let alone two?!" He was so excited about this new information; it was adorable. I hated to burst his bubble.
"You can't tell anyone, not even out parents. Jack, one of the teachers, said that it was dangerous to be an...Elemental." It was scary for me to even say the word, as if it were a powerful poison that would kill me if it touched my tongue. "There are people who want to kill us." I said.
He looked at me gravely. "I know. That's why I waited so long to tell Mike. I just had to tell someone though. Don't worry; he's trustworthy. I promise."
"I trust you." I replied. He grinned widely, pulling me into a hug. Hugging Vic did nothing to help my still-prominent hard-on, and I could feel him pressing against my thigh. "Vic, um. Do you wanna-" He understood and cut me off before I could finish, pulling me back onto my bed - considering it was already ruined, how much worse could it get? - and straddling me. His fingers twisted with mine and pinned my arms above me on the bed. The tingling sensation was back, and it seemed to make everything feel ten times as powerful. There was no way I was lasting long.
"Boys! Dinner is ready!" My mom called, and I moaned in frustration. I had to get off; we couldn't go downstairs with raging hard-ons.
"We'll be down in a minute, Kellin is helping me with something!" Vic shouted while pushing his hand toward my belt. Knowing we were running out of time, he hastily undid my belt and pulled me out. I jumped as if I had been shocked when he touched me. Even though this was the first time we had ever met, I knew this was a feeling that would never get old. It really was hard to believe that we had only met less than an hour ago. I was sure I had known him for at least most of my life, if not all of it. Was this normal for Elementals? I would have to ask Jack.
Well, that would be an awkward conversation I wasn't looking forward to having.
Vic stroked me in time with each kissed he placed all over my body. My lips, cheeks, neck, and upper body were showered with his sweet kisses. His body, slightly warmer than the average person's, warmed my body, which happened to be slightly colder than the average person's. Being pressed up against him as beautiful fireworks of fiery water erupted off our skin was an unexplainable feeling. I'm positive it was times better than anything a normal human could experience.
Heat hotter than Vic's glistening skin pooled in my stomach. I arched my back so I could be pressed even tighter against him. "I'm gonna come." I gasped. With those words, he stroked me even faster and connected his lips to mine, his tongue tasting the inside of my mouth. He ran his thumb over my tip and I was a goner. I shot ribbons of white into our shirts as pure ecstasy overcame me and made me see stars.
I hadn't realized that Vic was still grinding on me the entire time until I started to come down from my high. He was shaking on top of me. The look in his eyes showed how desperately close he was. Our lips still connected, I bit his bottom lip. I squirmed under him as he stilled and collapsed on top of me. He wasn't heavy; this just wasn't something I was used to. As soon as he could, he got off of me. "Wow." He breathed. That was the only word that could even begin to describe what had just occurred.
"I know." We both rolled out of my bed, a little weary, and changed so what we did wasn't evident.
I was standing at my dresser looking for a shirt when two hands grabbed my waist and pulled me against him. "I hope you know this will be a daily occurrence from now on." He nearly growled.
I smirked. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Kellin! Vic! Your dinner is getting cold!" I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, but Vic beat my mom to the door.
"Sorry, Ms. Quinn. We're coming right now." He said charmingly.
Dinner was a quiet affair. I know the Fuentes family was used to staying quiet, and I was normally the one to make conversation in my family, but Vic and I were too drained to have a proper conversation. Apparently it showed.
"Are you boys okay? You look exhausted." Vivian commented.
"I had a long day at school and a lot of homework." I lied, and Vic followed suit.
"Mom, you know how I get motion sick. I'll be fine after I rest." Our mothers looked at us sympathetically, but Mike just looked between us, with the messy hair and flushed faces, and tried not to laugh. When he did laugh, he covered it with a napkin and a cough. Vic kicked him under the table.
"Ow!" Mike groaned in the middle of our silent dinner. Taking in the confused faces of our mothers, he laughed and brushed it off. "I kicked a table leg." Now it was Vic and I's turn not to laugh, covering our smiles with one of our hands. Each of our other hands were discreetly linked together under the table.
Mom and Vivian dismissed all three of us, saying we looked like we could use a good night's sleep. Yeah, like I would sleep at all while sharing a room with Vic.
My bed was burnt beyond repair. If we didn't dry it out soon, it would probably start to mold, but we could worry about that tomorrow. "You can sleep with me." Vic said, his eyes widening after he realized what he had said. "I mean, sleep in my bed...with me in it too..." I laughed.
"I get it, Vic." Cute, blushing-schoolgirl Vic was back as he averted his eyes and we changed into PJs. We took turns in my bathroom brushing our teeth and showering. I waited in bed for Vic to come back so I could turn off the lights. We were both a little surprised when Vic came in the room wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.
"Shit! I thought you'd be asleep!" He gasped.
"Nope, sorry." I tried not to look, I really did, but Jack wasn't kidding about this intense lust thing. My boxers were already starting to tent. I rolled on my side so it wasn't as noticeable to Vic. Thankfully, he was too focused on getting dressed and not being embarrassed that he hardly looked at me. This gave me plenty of time to stare at his dripping wet, perfectly toned, half naked body. It wasn't helping the problem in my pants, but hey, by this point I really didn't care.
He turned off the lights and crawled on the mattress. I was facing away from him, surprised when he laid close next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, right above my erection. He buried his head in my neck, and oh god, he had the most perfect cologne on that made me want to devour him. "Goodnight, lovely." He whispered.
This was going to be a very long night.

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