It's Burning You Down.

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We were home alone for hours, and we made the most of every second. Not once did we separate except to use the bathroom. At all times, some part of us was touching. For the most part, one of us was lounging on top of the other as our mouths were collided in a frenzied passion and our bodies made a mess of flaming wet, tangled limbs. This fireproof blanket was a life saver.
We curled up on the couch for awhile and decided to watch a movie. "Let's watch something scary!" Vic smirked. His face fell when he saw my look of hesitation. "You don't like scary movies?" Honestly, I loved watching scary movies. However, I loved watching them alone. I was a scaredy-cat, no doubt about it, and I decided long ago that I'd rather keep that part of myself private. "Come on, I'll protect you." Vic said from underneath me, his arms tightening around my petite body.
"Alright...but if I spazz out and hurt you, you can't blame me." I insisted. He just laughed and kissed my nose.
Going on Netflix and browsing through the horror movie section, Vic was happy to find Insidious 2 had finally come out on Netflix. "Hell yes!"
"I've never even seen the first one..." I mumbled. Vic looked at me with wide eyes, in shock.
"Then I guess that's what we're watching."
The movie overall wasn't as bad as some movies I'd seen, but it was enough to freak me out. I only screamed three times during the course of the movie, one of those times scaring me enough that I actually did hit Vic. Thankfully, it wasn't a hard hit and Vic just laughed it off. It didn't help that half way through the movie it had started storming and making the lights flicker as thunder crashed so loudly that we couldn't hear the TV over it.
"Hey, don't worry. If the power goes out, I'm like a human candle, remember?" Vic said, running his hand down my arm and grabbing my hand. I hadn't realized I was shaking until I saw Vic's calm, tan hand over shaky pale one. A warm glow seemed to radiate from his skin, golden and flickering. Sparks were popping up from his hand, landing on my own as water seemed to just appear on my skin. Intrigued, I couldn't seem to tear my gaze from our now intertwined hands.
The corners of my lips went up in appreciation for his effort to make me feel better, but my heart was still fluttering faster then it should.
Vic pulled his phone out of his back pocket and smiled at the text he received. "Was that Mike?"
"Yeah. I told him our parents wouldn't be home until later, so he's going over to your friend Jaime's house to play video games. Which leaves me more time with you." I grinned back at him, a genuine smile this time.
"I'm surprised Jaime is actually going to his house for once. Normally he just comes to my place and plays my games while eating my food."
"Do your friends know you're gay?" Vic asked suddenly.
"I'm not gay. I don't have a sexuality. I love who I love. I prefer not to put a name on it, and they know that." I explained. Vic looked at me with curiosity, like that was the most interesting thing he'd ever heard.
"I like that about you. But anyways, maybe they guessed something was going on between us?"
"Probably. I almost never skip out on pizza." I shrugged, not really caring what they knew. I trusted them with my life, and if they had a problem with Vic and me they would say something. "Do you have a problem with that?" Vic's face was draining of color and he looked like he was about to be sick.
"Please, if they find out about us, don't let them tell anyone."
"Why? What's wrong with this?"
"Neither of my parents are too fond of us. San Diego is a lot less accepting than you'd think." My mouth dropped and I was instantly pissed. Nothing made me more angry than homophobes. "One of my childhood friends came out in middle school and my parents never let me see him again. They've cut contact with every person they know who's come out, even if they were best friends before. I can' mom can't find out..." As he continued to talk, Vic's voice got faster and his breathing got heavier.
"Hey, hey. They won't tell anyone. They're idiots, but they're smarter than that. Doesn't Mike know though?"
"Yeah, he's not an asshole and a hell of a lot more accepting than my parents." I nodded, trying to understand. I couldn't compare from past experiences; everyone I knew was totally accepting of me.
"I'm sorry. I promise no one around here is like that, if it's any consolation." I squeezed his hand and kissed him softly. "No one will hate you here. I can't see anything to hate about you."
"Thanks, but..." Vic looked at the ceiling, swallowing back tears. "It's just hard, you know? I know my mom won't accept me. I love her, and it hurts knowing she'll always hate a part of me."
"Dude, she's your mom. She should love you no matter what."
He scoffed. "Yeah, right. My dad told us that if he ever found out either of us were gay he'd kill us. And I believe him. My mom backed him up." The mention of his dad made me remember something. The reason he's here is because his dad was abusive. So what if he was forcing his opinions on his wife?
I knew exactly how I would find out.
"Let's not worry about this right now. We've got more time alone, and I don't want to see you upset." I implored, tangling my hands in Vic's soft hair leaning to his chest, biting his collarbone. His head fell back as he moaned. My palms itched and burned as I ran my hands under his shirt, groping him where ever I could reach. We discovered that when we were wearing the clothes, they became just as fireproof and waterproof as we were ourselves, which would save us a lot of problems. It didn't take long for us to rid one another of our now ruined shirts. The blanket under us crinkled a little. Sighing in content, he subtly pushed his hips up toward me, desperate for friction. I moved my hands down toward his belt and trailed my tongue up his neck and jaw, planting sloppy kisses all over his neck and jaw.
I hastily undid his belt, and Vic let out a needy moan, squirming underneath me. It made me want him even more than I already did. My hand was already soaking wet, and I used that as lubricant as I began to stroke his member. It was a good thing no one was home; Vic wasn't feeling the whole "stay quiet" thing. Not that I cared. I found his moans dead sexy. "Fuck!" He yelled when I ran my thumb over his tip and squeezed his member. Watching Vic's face contort in pleasure and listening to his urgent whining was too much for me. Keeping the pressure on Vic's dick, I unzipped my own pants and pulled out my own member, touching it with Vic's and rubbing them together. I quivered and bit Vic's shoulder, moaning. "Hold on a second." Vic told me as he began to sit up. I moved back on the couch a little, unable to keep from touching myself. "Fuck, you're so sexy right now." Vic said and his own hands wandered to his erection. My eyes squeezed shut as I tried to keep from coming right then and there. He looked so erotic and sensual. Then, well, I kind of attacked him.
Lunging back to the other side of the couch where Vic was watching me intensely, I practically jumped on him, wrapping my legs around him and sandwiching our dicks in between us. "Oh my god..." I gasped in ecstasy from the tight warm pleasure of our bodies pressed together. We both continued stroking ourselves as his lips seeked my own, dominating me as he pushed us down, reversing the roles so he sat on top of me. Vic rolled his hips against mine, and I squeaked in surprise. Vic laughed at me. "Shut up!" I yelled playfully.
"Make me." He challenged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Immediately, my hand was pumping his shaft. He gasped loudly and his eyes rolled back in his head. "Shit, you win. Do it again."
We continued in this fashion, making out and stroking ourselves. It was the most intense experience I've ever had. Eventually, we both started speeding up our hands as that special feeling pooled in the bottom of our stomachs. "Oh, fuck. I'm close."
"Same...oh, Kellin!" Our breathing was getting heavier and our mouths crashed together as we braced ourselves for hitting that high. Faintly, I think I heard the door opening, but I was too far gone and if Vic had heard it, so was he.
"Ungh! Vic!" I nearly screamed as we came together. I buried my face in the crook of Vic's neck as we rode out our highs, lightly kissing him and panting into his ear. One of Vic's hands was gripping my hip.
"HOLY SHIT, THAT WAS NOT SOMETHING I NEEDED TO SEE!" Mike yelled, staring at us from the doorway. Jaime and Tony were right behind him. They were all in shock, not sure what to do. I realized from where they were standing, it probably looked like we were fucking.
Fucking engulfed by fire and water.
I stared at Vic with wide eyes, falling away from him like he was an open flame. Well, he was, but that was beside the point. As soon as he stopped burning and I stopped watering we covered ourselves with the blanket, trying to quickly fix our pants. How the hell were we going to explain this one?
"W-Why are y-you here?" I asked, terrified. Having them know I liked guys was one thing; having them walk in on one of the most intimate things I've ever experienced was a totally different thing.
"Mike told us that uh, you were here alone. So we were gonna come to keep y'all company..." Jaime started, for once seeming short of words.
"But I guess you aren't exactly dying for us to be here right now." Tony finished, looking paler than death.
"Um, yeah. About that..." I tried.
"Come on, guys, let's give them a minute to put their dicks away..." Mike suggested. He was the most calm of the three, probably because he already had partially known about our abilities. Even so, he still looked absolutely terrified.
"I'm, um, I think we should go." Jaime said, his face hard, almost angry. My stomach dropped, and not in a good way. My two best friends, my two only friends, probably now thought I was a freak and would never speak to me again.
"Please, Jaime, Tony. Let me explain. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Just, give me five minutes. Please." My bottom lip was quivering. I couldn't lose them.
They looked from Vic and I to Mike to each other before nodding and walking upstairs, Mike directly behind them. None of the three said a single word to us.
"It's gonna be okay." Vic reassured once we were properly dressed again. That was when I lost it. Sobbing, I collapsed against Vic. His strong arms kept me upright and he soothed me by petting my head whispering softly in my ear.
"I'm so sorry." I muttered between sobs.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. This is just as much my fault as it is yours. It's okay." He responded. I couldn't reply to him because even though I would never admit it, ever since the first time I laid eyes on Vic, I couldn't shake the feeling that although this was something amazing, it wouldn't come without a disastrous consequence.

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