Angel Of Mercy.

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Kellin's POV

"NO!" Jack and Vic screamed in unison as they watched Alex and Mike, the ones who were closest to my dad, fall to the ground, bleeding more than anyone should be able to. In seconds Jack falls as well, in just as much pain as Alex, which in turn knocks me off Jack's back. Vic and I simultaneously hissed in pain as I grabbed my injured leg. In the span of six seconds, all but three of us were on the ground.


I had been thrilled when Vic walked in, especially when I saw his arm wasn't in a sling or anything. The shot must have not been that bad and didn't need a sling for that long, if at all.

In the chaos, no one was paying attention to the two that worked for the Anti Resistance, so no one knew what they were doing until a gun went off and my dad fell to the ground, a bullet in his skull. I wasn't sure how to feel about that, so I let the adrenaline numb my body and worry about feelings later. "Jack, Kellin, get up! We've gotta go!" Austin yelled, reloading the gun that had destroyed my dad. There was no reason to be quiet anymore. A hundred angry footsteps were trampling around above us. Vic was already grabbing Mike and Alan had Alex. Jack was pale and barely able to move, just like myself. Austin, the most capable of us at the moment, had taken the rear and was shooting blindly into a mass of bodies. Alan led us out a tunnel in the basement I hadn't noticed before. It took us right out front to where Alex's car was.

We piled into the car, not too concerned about seat belts for the moment. Austin grabbed Alex's keys from his pocket and got in the driver's seat, Alan next to him. That left Vic, Jack and I to assess the damage of the two dying men with us. Both able-bodied guys were doing whatever they could to stop the bleeding.

"Mike! Stay with me. Please, I can't lose you like this. Not yet." Vic begged. The same pain in my heart earlier had returned, and I wondered what made Vic feel like this before. Mike's eyes were closed and it didn't look like he was responding, but still, Vic worked tirelessly over his brother's broken body. Both guys had been shot in the chest, and the unspoken fear of the group was that their hearts had been hit and all attempts at saving them were futile. "Kellin! A little help here?" The way Vic said it made it sound more like a command than a question. Immediately I went into action, placing my hands exactly where I was told to. Mike's head ended up laying in my lap.

"We're five minutes away from the hospital, guys. Hold on." Austin said from the front where he drove. I couldn't stand watching Vic cry over Mike, so I averted my attention to the scene beside us. It was almost worse than watching Vic.

Jack had long given up trying to save his lover, probably by Alex's request. Jack looked in just as much pain as Alex, maybe even more. Their blood-soaked hands were intertwined and Jack was bawling as he watched a heavy-lidded Alex. "Don't leave me, baby. I love you." He pressed their lips together, and even though they had been touching for awhile and they were now kissing, there was barely any flames. His fire was going out.

Alex could barely open his mouth to respond once Jack pulled back. "You'll make it...I'll soon...I love you...Make sure you give them...the book..." His eyes slid shut slowly and I saw every tense muscle in his body relax. The pained look on Jack's face faded, but the pain in his eyes heightened. Looking towards the rest of us, it was like he was just now realizing Mike had been injured too.

"Don't let him die." He commanded.

"Is Alex...?" I asked, my throat too tight to finish the rest of the sentence.

"He's dead." His voice cracked. "I've got 48 hoursleft  at the most." A whimper fought to break past my lips, but I kept silent, keeping my eyes on Mike's hair. If I met anyone's eyes, I would probably have a mental breakdown.

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