Oh Catastrophe.

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"Are your dicks away?" Mike asked five minutes later from the top of the stairs.

"Shut the fuck up, Michael." Vic growled. Mike simply laughed and him, Tony and Jaime walked back downstairs, joining us in the living room, looking more uncomfortable than I had ever seen them. They were lighthearted guys, probably never had a serious moment in their lives. Tony sat himself on the arm of the couch and Jaime stood beside him, arms crossed. Mike, much more lax, plopped down in the armchair.

"Start explaining, now." Jaime demanded. Vic looked to me, obviously expecting me to explain, considering they were my friends.

"Well, uh, okay. Um..." I trailed off, unsure how to start. The ever-hyper Jaime was starting to get impatient, tapping his foot. "Do you believe in mythical creatures?"

"Like, as in vampires and werewolves?" Tony clarified. Slowly, I nodded.

"About ten minutes ago I would've said hell no, but now, I'm not so sure." Jaime said curiously.

I took a deep breath before continuing. Vic came close to me and intertwined our fingers. The familiar itching sensation tickled my hand as water met fire between our palms. "We're Elementals. Long story short, he can shoot fire out of his hands, I can shoot water out of my hands. We're partners, which basically means we're destined to be together forever."

Jaime's eyes bulged out of his head, and Tony looked as if he were about to pass out. "Please tell me this is some elaborate April Fool's joke or something." Jaime said, shaking his head out of a daze.

"I wish it was, but it's not April." I responded in a monotone. What if this was it? They wouldn't accept this and they would leave?

Jaime and Tony looked at each other, having a conversation of body language. Finally, both boys nodded and turned to us. Tony was the one to speak for them. "We need some time with this. I promise we aren't mad, it's just...a lot to take in."

"We understand." I sighed.

"However, you guys can't tell anyone. There's a reason Elementals aren't your normal common fairy tale. There are people after us, and if they find us, they will kill us." Vic told them, a very serious expression covering his lovely face.

"Of course." Tony said, then without another word, he grabbed Jaime and pulled him out of the house before he could protest. The three of us in the house didn't move until we heard Jaime's car pull out of my driveway.

"Well, this has been sufficiently awkward, and I've got homework." Mike yawned as he stretched and stood up. "Y'all need anything?"

"No, we should be good. We'll probably turn in soon anyways." Vic explained as my phone went off. I rushed over its position on the coffee table where I had thrown it earlier to answer it, seeing the caller ID as my dad.

My dad wasn't a bad person, per say, but him and my mom never got along. They split up when I was seven, but every summer I went to his beach house in Florida for a few weeks and I normally took some time off in the winter to go see him. Now, my parents could hold a conversation with one another, but it's probably better that they live states apart. Every time I went to my dad's, he was living with another girl. I never got to know them very much, but they all seemed nice enough. They never hurt me and they put up with my strict father until he dumped them. Despite his flaws and slight man-whorishness, I loved the man and I was always excited when he did his once-a-month check-up call.

"Dad, hey!" I exclaimed as I pressed the answer button. I mouthed a quick sorry to Vic and he just smiled lightly and waved it off, walking Mike upstairs, whispering to him quietly.

"Hey, Kellin! How have you been? How's school?" He asked back just as eagerly.

"I've been alright. School's school, dad. Horrible like always."

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