The Chemicals Will Being You Home.

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"This is all your fault." Vic grumbled as I led him to where Jack and I had met the previous day, and where he had told me to meet today. His face was still red from third period, the mixture of embarrassment and frustration evident on his face no matter how much he wished he could hide it. He felt like he had made a bad impression on Mr. Gaskarth already.

I smirked. "Oh, please. I'm not the one who sent the message." I sang. I suddenly found the back of my head hitting the wall as Vic cornered me intimidatingly, somehow without a single hair touching me. Almost as if the distance between us controlled the speed of my heart rate, my heart started pounding in my chest and the overwhelming urge to kiss Vic came over me as I leaned toward him. Vic tried to stop me, I know it, but the trance we were in seemed to force us together.

A loud gasp came from the other end of the hallway and we were pushed apart. One of Jack's cool, damp hands were on both of our chests while Mr. Gaskarth ran to us. Both men ushered us into the lounge, Jack keeping a hand on me as Mr. Gaskarth took Vic and stood with him a good five feet away from Jack and myself. "Sit." Mr. Gaskarth commanded the three of us. Jack and I immediately went over to a couch and sat, but Vic defiantly stayed where he was. Mr. Gaskarth glared at Vic, who glared back just as hard. They seemed to be in some sort of match - a mental argument.

"Alex, just let him stand. You know this could last all night." Jack said finally, exasperated. Alex looked at his lover, and after shortly staring at him as well, nodded.

"Right, well, first of all, sorry about your phones. I hope they're okay?" He asked, I assumed about the burn marks.

"They're fine." Vic snapped back authoritatively. Him and Alex seemed to be battling for dominance. It was as if one of them had to be the Alpha, like wolves.

Alex took a deep breath, calming down, before continuing, talking more to Vic than to me. "Look, I know you probably want to rip my head off right now, but I need you to listen. Just give me five minutes to explain, then you can say whatever you want." He nearly begged. Vic narrowed his eyes, but nodded for him to continue. "Alright. Basically you guys are partners - romantically, as it seems -" Alex snickered a little before continuing. "And there's a 99% chance you guys will spend your entire lives together. You're this thing called an Elemental-"

"Actually, I know." Vic cut him off, but apologetically. "My dad had a book about them and I read about them. I kind of figured it out that I was one awhile ago."

"Right." Alex said, looking confused. "So how much do you know?"

"Um, I know that it's dangerous to be an Elemental, but I don't know why?" Vic tried.

"The Resistance." Jack whispered gravely from beside me.

"Resistance?" Vic asked.

"Yeah, the Resistance. If they find you, they will kill you, no questions asked. They see us as highly dangerous, which, as we're younger, we are. But as we grow up, we learn how to control ourselves and stay hidden and harmless."

"We're dangerous? How?" I asked, realizing we were the "young ones" they were talking about.

Alex huffed, understanding what he had said, and Jack glared at him. "I'm assuming by the text I read between you two that you know what happens when you touch." Both Vic and I blushed, Vic becoming irritated again. "And you've definitely experienced the - um - lust, that comes with being an Elemental. That" Alex coughed in awkwardness "lust sticks around for awhile. Like maybe ten years. So within those first years, it's really hard to control yourselves. On top of that, you're learning how to control your powers, which is trouble in itself. So yes, without help, it's really dangerous for you to be around other people." My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Jack and Alex didn't seem to have a problem controlling their powers or their lust, but they didn't look a day over twenty. So how had they been together for longer than ten years?

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