The Storm.

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"Don't do this, dad. Please." I begged as he pulled a small pistol from the inside pocket of his jacket. Vic's hand reached behind him for mine, and I intertwined them without a second thought, the contradicting elements between us becoming stronger the second out skin touched.

"Just come with me, Kellin. I won't touch your partner or shoot him if you come with me, and that's a promise." I wanted to accept if it kept Vic safe, but Vic's hand just tightened on my own as he leaned closer to my dad, who soon saw what Vic was doing and pointed the pistol at his head.

"Who do you think is a faster shoot, Victor? I've had years and years or training with this baby, and you've barely had these powers for two days. Do you even know how to control yourself?"

"Stop it, stop it!" I yelled, turning so I was in between Vic and my dad. "Both of you need to calm your tits. I'm not either of your property, so I'll go where ever I want, thank you."

"Kellin, please, get behind me." Vic implored. His eyes were becoming glassy, as if he were about to cry.

"Vic, I'm not gonna let you get hurt. I don't care if that means I get hurt." My father started laughing and Vic jerked me even closer to him.

"No, you don't understand." Vic whispered. "If you die, I die. It's an Elemental thing. Whenever one of us dies, the other's dead within two days, no exceptions. That's why he only wants you. He thinks you won't put up as much of a fight. He won't have to touch me to hurt me."

"Kellin, if you don't come with me right now, I will put a bullet through Vic's head."

"Try it." Vic responded, shooting fire at him so it grazed his arm. Anger brighter than Vic's fire flared in his eyes, and the gun went off, hitting Vic in the shoulder.

A tingling sensation went through my arm, which quickly escalated into an aching burn. I wasn't bleeding, but the pain was excruciating. I couldn't focus on anything but the pain. Vic collapsed to the ground, and I was right behind him. However, instead of hitting the hardwood floor, I fell into strong arms that picked me up and carried me out to the car.

Vic moaned my name, and I was passed out from pain before my dad even laid me in the car.


"Where are we taking him, boss?" An unfamiliar voice woke me up. The first thing that I did was breath in the smell of a musty blanket that couldn't have possibly been washed in the past five years. Wet dog and urine burned my nose and I gagged, somehow staying quiet.

"Base camp would be too obvious. Probably one of the warehouses." My dad said. I kept still and refrained from talking, trying to comprehend as much as I could about the situation.

"We should probably get going before his boy toy gets smart and calls the police or something." Suggested another unknown voice. I opened my eyes slightly so they were in slits, and saw three men. One of the unknown men was short and plump, and the other was tall and lean. My dad was right in the middle of the two, of average height and average build. Looking further behind them, I saw we were in a field of some sort. There was a forest only about 25 feet away, but until then, I would be exposed. I could make it easily in fifteen steps, but still I hesitated. I knew my dad had a gun, at least, and who knew what these other guys were capable of?

Silently, I slowly stretched my body, checking to see if anything was harmed. My arm still burned, but thankfully, my legs were okay, which was the important thing.. After surveying the guys, I came to the conclusion that I could outrun them. I already knew I could outrun my dad, and neither of the other guys looked particularly fit. The short one was big and the tall one was skin and bones. Also, with the amount of adrenaline pumping through my veins at the moment, I could have easily run a marathon.

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