Light 'Em Up.

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"Kellin! Wake up, you're having a nightmare!" Faintly, I heard this being shouted in the distance, but I couldn't be bothered by that. I was too focused on the giant standing in front of me, holding my family, Vic's family, Jaime, Tony, Jack, and Mr. Gaskarth. All the people I had ties to
"Please don't." I whimpered. I probably shouldn't show him fear, but I couldn't help it.
The giant - an ugly beast with three eyes, raw pink skin and rotting teeth - laughed at my pain. Taking a huge step towards me, the ground shook with his every move. I cowered under a rock, but that did little to stop this beast. He crouched down, made himself eye level with me. The people he held in his arms screamed. No, you can't do this! Please don't! "I'm not gonna hurt you, Kellin. Well, at least not physically." He gave me a twisted smirk that made my stomach drop.
One by one, he took a person I cared about and sat them in front of me. One by one, he snapped their necks and laughed as the fell to the dirt floor, their eyes still wide with tears.
And I.
"This is what will happen if you aren't safe." The giant growled in my face, his hot breath fanning my face, making me cringe.
"Kellin! Get up! Please." Vic begged. His voice was beginning to get louder as I came to, but my body was a lead weight as I tried to move. It seemed as if I were in a coma. A bright light came from behind my eyelids and my body was being shaken. When Vic started patting my back, I realized I also wasn't breathing. "No, don't do this, please. I just found you..." He continued to mumble nonsense that I blocked out. Breathe, Kellin, breathe. Go to Vic, calm him down.
My eyes flew open and I gasped. What just happened? I could barely see anything; it was too dark. Why was Vic freaking out on top of me? Not that I object to waking up with a sexy man on top of me. At all.
In my haste to wake up, I involuntarily sat up and knocked my forehead with Vic's. "Ahh..." Vic groaned, sitting back on the mattress.
"It's - ah - okay. You just have a hard head." He laughed. I half-heartedly smiled back. "You good?"
"I don't know. What happened?"
"You were having a nightmare. You hit me and woke me up." I was glad it was dark, as my face was bright red.
"I'm sorry. I don't normally have nightmares." I honestly couldn't remember ever having a bad nightmare, not even as a child.
His teeth glowed softly as he smiled. "Hey, you're fine. It's not a big deal. Just go back to sleep." Tiredness was already starting to creep into his voice and he yawned at this end of his sentence. His arm snaked back around my waist and I dozed off until the sun woke me again.
I stretched, and was met with a cool mattress and no Vic. I could hear the shower running in the bathroom, which seemed suspicious to me when he had gotten a shower just last night. Things started to make a little more sense as I walked to the bathroom door and heard soft grunts under the pounding water of the shower. Vic's moans alone were enough to make me aroused, and it didn't help me to think about the naked man less than ten feet away from me.
Slowly, I inched open the door so it didn't creak. His moans were starting to get louder. Slipping out of my boxers, I slowly pumped myself, making me as hard as I possibly could be before I stepped in the shower behind Vic.
He happened to have his eyes closed, too engulfed in his pleasure to notice he had been joined. I guess it was a good thing I wasn't a murderer or he'd be dead by now.
I slid to my knees, Vic still not noticing me until I shoved his hips against the wall and took his tip in my mouth. I would usually never be this forward, but with Vic, all I wanted to do was pleasure him and have him pleasure me. He was addicting, just like Jack warned me my partner would be. Was this how it would always be between us? I didn't know how we would keep up this secret.
"Fuck!" He yelled before throwing his hands over his mouth. He probably woke someone up. I paid no attention to his outbursts and sucked even harder on his tip. "Kellin." He moaned almost as loudly. His hands began to fidget and found their way into my hair, pulling at it and leaving me with what I was sure would be some wicked sex hair. It was such a turn on to see him this desperate. I came in at just the right time, as it seemed like he was indeed just about to come. Keeping my hand on his member, I slowly stood up, trailing my tongue from his tip, up his happy trail, past his abs, stopping to nibble on his sweet spot, before finally reaching his delectable lips and hungrily attacking them. I was in control, forcing my tongue into his mouth, letting him taste everything I had. Fire was exploding around Vic with passion, but with my water, combined with the water from his shower, the fire stayed quiet, and nothing got burnt, thankfully.
"Don't come yet." I growled against his mouth. A whimper escaped his mouth. "Shut up!" I responded harshly, surprising even myself. Vic's eyes were wide and lust-filled. I pulled my hand away from him and I could almost feel his desperation. "On your knees. Now." I commanded. I think Vic liked it when I dominated him like this.
He gave me the same treatment as I did him, trailing his tongue down my body, paying special attention to my neck and nipples. I threw my head back, panting. His mouth was a thing of wonder, I'd decided.
Warm air fanned across my dick, and I shivered in anticipation. He ran his tongue across my tip, swirling around it and dipping in my slit. I nearly thrusted into his mouth, but he held me back. He continued his slow, torturous work on me, all while staring at me with big, innocent, needy, brown eyes. "Oh, shit." I moaned. He smirked around me. The things his smirk made me want to do to him...
I grabbed his hair much like he did mine, except instead of just laying them there, I used them to hold him still. I started thrusting, basically fucking his mouth. He kept his eyes on mine, watching me get closer and closer. "That's right; take it like the dirty whore you are." I said through gritted teeth. Vic's eyes widened even more at the dirty talk, and I got even more turned on, as if that was possible. I was getting so close, it was hard to keep my thrusts at an even pace. Vic took one of his hands and placed it at the base of my dick, moving it down and fondling my balls. All the stimulation - Vic's hands, Vic's mouth, just simply Vic himself - was almost too much for me to bear. To tease me even more, it seemed, he used his other hand to stroke himself. "Oh, fuck, Vic. I'm so close. Please." I begged him, my true submissive nature shining through the fake domination. I loved being submissive, but I guess being dominant could be fun for a time.
He liked dominant Kellin, but he loved submissive Kellin. He really hollowed out his cheeks and focused all his attention on getting me off. Within seconds I was shooting into his mouth, biting my hand so I didn't scream. As soon as I came down from my high, Vic was standing and shoving me to the ground. "I want to come in your mouth." He said in explanation. He didn't even wait for me to say anything; he just forced himself into my mouth and fucked my mouth just as I had his, only harder. He was kind of choking me, but I wasn't complaining. Choking wasn't that bad, honestly. I could think of lots of worse things.
Once he finished, he helped me up and turned off the freezing cold shower. I grabbed us towels so we could dry off. "You okay?" He panted, still calming down. I smiled. He could be as dominant as he wanted, but he still cared. I couldn't believe I had known this guy for less than 24 hours. It like I had known him for years. I didn't even feel uncomfortable that I was nude right in front of him, even though that was something I felt ever since I could remember. We just connected in a way I never had with anyone before. His eyes told me he felt the same about me.
"I'm fine. Actually, I'm way better than fine." I replied cheekily.
He laughed and changed the topic as we returned to my room and went to find clothes for the day. "So, do you think we can talk to your teachers about the Elemental thing today?"
"I don't see why not. I'll text them right now." I texted Jack explaining that I had met my partner and asked if we could meet with him and Mr. Gaskarth in fifth period, and he responded almost instantly. Sure, Lex and I both have that period free. I'll talk to your partner's teacher if need be. Excited to meet them! :) "Yeah, they're excited to meet you. Get ready; we should probably get you and your brother there a little early for registration, and we're already running a little late because of the...shower." I reminded, blushing like a schoolgirl at the memory.
He laughed, then, as if had just realized something, sighed, looking sadly at me. "You realize we can't even touch each other in public?" My face fell, and the ecstatic mood I was in fell. He was right. It would not be good for us or Jack and Alex to draw attention to ourselves, especially if we were supposedly being watched by people who want to kill us.
This is what will happen if you aren't safe.
This was going to be a very long day for us.

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