Request Page(closed.)

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Hey, guys. Sparky here. I got this idea setup for you to enjoy. This is be from 2018-2020. This will be a 3 year process. Like I said, DON'T expect these scenarios to be daily. I can only have my day off to do these. Now, I will put a hold on the High school story, maybe. Now, onto the request. I do have some rules for it, but these are simple rules.

1. Requests can only be comment on THIS PAGE! I don't want any request on the scenario pages. If you put one request there, I will not do it!

2. These scenarios will features in multiverse. So, if you want me to feature you, all you have to do is to follow me & comment me your name(real or fake). Example: Wolfman7903 or Liam.

3. You can give me any scenario you can think of. However, the limit is one. You can keep request new scenarios when I finish the one you gave me. Example: Goji1999 Request a scenario: When she hugs you. He can request a different one, like When she is curious. Also, if someone request the same scenario, but with a different waifu(from same or different), I will still do it.

4. The waifu of your choice MUST SHOWCASE THE TITLE OF WHERE THEY ARE FROM! Gender bend Male included. I don't know where any of these waifus are from. Which is why I want you to put that. Example: Erza Scarlet(Fairy Tail) or Widowmaker(Overwatch). Yes, games included. If you request a game involved a class that requires a name, you can put any name, their class, & what game they are from with a picture. Example: Alexia(Class: Amazon. Game: Dragon Crown)

5. If you guys want to see me do a one-shot lemon with the waifu, put Lemon time or 🍋 in parentheses, but ONLY THAT!

Ok, that is all I can give you for rules. I will make a holiday specials involving RWBY, so Expect that soon. Until then-

I heard some gunshot on my earpiece. I press the button on my earpiece.

Guard: Target Pink Gi is down.

Me: Good.

I then felt a disturbance in the force. It wasn't long before something..... or someone created a portal in my floor. They went through it. The portal is close & when I look, I see the worse as I'm shaking in my shoe.

As I look up, I see Salem, looking like she is ready to take control of me. She shrink down to my height & hug me. Without knowing, she created a portal to her dimension, dragging both of us in to her room. She pushed me on her bed, with her being on top.

Me: W-what do you want....?

Salem: ........A king.

I quickly shake my head in fear, saying no while she is nodding her head.

Me: But I-

Salem: Shhhhhhhhhh.

She put her finger on my lips.

Salem: I want to compromise. I won't harm anyone: your world, your followers, & your friends.

Me: What do you get in return?

Salem: You. As a king, my husband....

She put her hand in my pants & hold on to my penis.

Salem: & the father of my child. Austin is okay with Cinder.

Me: Cinder is controlling Austin.

Salem: I can give you anything. Deal?

Me: ........Deal.

Salem: Good. Now, let's get rid of these clothes.

She then rips my clothes off, leaving me naked while she takes her robe off gently, revealing her D-cup breasts.


Cinder is trying to find her master in this place. She check the meeting room, training room, even a shower(go with me on rhis) until she decided to check her bedroom. She found it & decided to open, but she was near enough to hear the moaning.


Cinder couldn't believe it. Her master found herself a man. She smiled & think that it is time to fuck Austin. So, she proceed to find him.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Salem cussing a doll version of Chibi Sparky

Salem & I was extremely exhausted. She then cuddle with me & cover us up. As I look at her face, my mind started to think.

Me(head): Maybe...She ain't bad at all.

I hold up a sign that said, "Until then, stay shocking!" While holding my future wife.

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