Scenario: Sweetful Marriage(🍋)

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((Note: This lemon is requested by MLPFan001 & the waifu he choose is Android 21 from the game, Dragon ball FighterZ. This is the second game character & third lemon. Time to step up the plate. Let's do this!!))

FrostWing is surprising nervous about this. Austin(Goji1999), Ghost(Son__Ghost), Liam(Wolfman7903) & I are in the room while I am fixing his suit for his upcoming wedding. Today, our lucky friend is getting married to #21. I am done with the suit. I show you to the mirror & it's completely webbed, but nonstick & made you look like the smooth criminal you are. In fact, all the guys look like smooth criminal

FrostWing: Wow. Sparky, I'm stunned. I have never known you have the spider ability.

Me: I don't. I just got this.

Liam: Still, you are a good tailor. How did you learn? You stop playing FFXIV, didn't you?

Me: Yeah. Somehow, when I got this ability, I took some practice. With a model, of course.

Austin: Speaking of, I can't believe you are getting married.

FrostWing: Me too.

Ghost: I want to know how he was able to calm her down.

Liam: He's no eclair, but he can definitely fill her up.

This got the guys, except FrostWing, burst out laughing at him. All he was blushing red.

FrostWing: That's not true! We haven't done it!

Me: Curiosity strike on me, guys. Who is dominated in your relationship?

Austin: Palutena.

Liam: Yang.

Ghost: Kelfa.

That news surprised me.

Me: I'm shocked. I expect that you are dominated in the relationship, not Kelfa.

Ghost: You thought wrong. What about you & Raven? Are you still scared back then?

((Note: Before you ask, "which Raven?" It this Raven))

((Note: Before you ask, "which Raven?" It this Raven))

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Me: How should I know it was her "Shark week." Qrow told me that, I just ran. Then I got trap in the corner... I felt an evil aura from her. Next thing I know, I was the victim in bed.

We start laughing at the story. Then we got a knock on the door. Since Ghost is closer to the door, he open it & reveal it was Yang Xiao Long in a bridesmaid dress.

Yang: You guys ready?

Ghost: Yep.

We all walk towards the preacher as we stand in line on FrostWing while Palutena, Raven, Kelfa, & Yang are standing on the other side with an order closest to the preacher: Austin & Palutena, Ghost & Kelfa, Me & Raven, Liam & Yang. The doors open & the pianist plays, "here comes the bride" as a lady in a pure white dress with a white veil covering her face. She is carrying a bouquet of flowers in her hands as she walk down the aisle. It was a minute before she was up side by side with FrostWing revealing #21 under the veil.

Preacher: You may be seated.

The fans & followers have been seated as the rest of us have to stand.

Preacher: We are gathered here today in the presence of the witnesses, to join FrostWing & 21 in holy matrimony.

While he was giving the lines in each wedding, he have reach the as FrostWing & 21 turn to face each other. He then take the veil & put it over her head, revealing her cute face to him.

Preacher: Do you, FrostWing, take 21 to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love her forever, in sickness & in health, til death do you part?

FrostWing: I do.

Preacher: & 21, do you take FrostWing   to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love him forever, in sickness & in health, til death do us part?

21: I do.

Preacher: Then, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband & wife. You may now kiss the bride.

21 went & kiss FrostWing on the lips passionately as everyone is congratulating the newly wedded couple.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Sparky & Chibi Raven's wedding

After they moved into their new home, 21 decides to take part in traditional. FrostWing is taking a shower, so 21 quiety sneaks into the bathroom while making sure FrostWings doesn't know. She undress herself step in the shower. She grab FrostWings mouth & his penis to his surprised & starts getting him a handjob.

21: Dear. Is it ok if we make a baby, traditionally?

FrostWing: Are you sure you want to?

She press her breasts on his back.

21: Yes. I do.

His penis was hard. He turn around to see her naked body. He smile & kiss her lips passionately. He pick up one leg & guide his penis to your pussy. However, her tail wrapped around it, causing him to look at her.

21: This is my first time. Can you be gentle with Me?

FrostWing: I will, but this will hurt at first.

21: I know.

He then slowly stick his penis inside your pussy all the way, causing it to bleed a bit. He then started to thrust inside her pussy with love as he move normally. 21 is moaning with pleasure & she wrap her legs around his waist. She made him kiss her lips passionately. After a couple of minutes, FrostWing thrust fast, causing 21 to moan at the top of her lungs.


FrostWing: I'm going to cum, 21!


He then trust one last time, causing him to shoot his cum inside her womb, filling her up. They then collapse in the shower. With his penis slip out of her pussy, so did their cum mixed together.

21: I love you, FrostWing.

FrostWing: I love you, too, 21.



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