Scenario: Taking over the world

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((Note: Alright! This request is from Wolfman7903. The waifu he choose is Yang Xiao Long from RWBY. This scenario is tricky, so let's do this.))

Liam is sleeping in Yang's bed until the bombshell blonde bust in, causing Liam to jump up & fall on the floor.

Yang: Liam! Check it out!

She show him the news with Lisa Lavender.

Lisa: Early reports said that the so-called "infinitely Gaunlet" does in fact grant the wearer infinite power. However, it require these special gems.

Liam: Yang. Do you really think that those exist?

Yang: I Don't think! I know! & if we can get this, we can change the world as we know it.

Liam: I am not, repeat: NOT, going with you on this adventure.

Yang: Ok. Let's make 20 kids, then.

Liam panicked & quickly dash to his car. Yang Xiao Long then smiled at her lover.

Yang(head): That line always works.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Liam scared of 20 kids

Yang & Liam are driving around Vale secretly finding the gauntlet. Somehow, A lot of people are trashing the place.

Yang: Looks like they all want the gauntlet.

Liam: Well, we got to think. Did Lisa show the picture?

Yang: No. Let's think: who do we know that has the info?

They thought about it for a second until they found out. So, they quickly drove to my house. Once they got to my apartment, they knock on the door, it open to see me in my pjs. I yawn.

Me: Yeah?

Yang: Sparky, I want my strawberries.

Me: Go ahead.

Liam: Sparky. Do you know anything about the infinity Gauntlet?

Me: .....follow me.

We follow him to his room. On his bed, it looks like a body is under the cover. I see Yang came back with a bag of strawberries. He open the door & toss something at me. It is the Infinity Gauntlet.

Liam: Dude, how-

Me: I rather leave all types of questions unanswered.

Yang: Ok.

Liam: Fine.

They then left. The woman who was in my bed, moved the cover, revealing Neo, who is happy from last night.

 The woman who was in my bed, moved the cover, revealing Neo, who is happy from last night

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Me: They're done.

She open her arms to let me in, which I did & make out with her.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Neo & Chibi Sparky eating ice cream

Yang: Alright.

She lift the gauntlet up & got everyone under her spell. She then has that evil look in her face. She look at Liam, who shook his head saying no. She put him under hypnosis & begin her own domination. She has conquered all of Remnant. The civilian are building a statue while Liam is feeding her strawberries. Ironically, she is dreaming. Out the dream, RWB & Liam are thinking about what is she dreaming about.

Liam: Maybe it's strawberry land.

Blake: Or winning the drag race.

Ruby: Or doing inappropriate thing with Liam.

Liam blushed & look at Ruby.

Weiss: We will never know.


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