Scenario: True Blood(🍋)

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((Note: It has been so long since I did a scenario. Ok, There are 6 Monster Girl scenarios. Time to start this one. This request was by -AstralBloodEX- & he choose Vampire. Ok, Let's do this!))

Dear Trey,

Congratulations on winning your very own mansion. We never thought you have enter the sweepstakes. The guys & I decided to throw you a open house party when you get situated. Beware of monsters. The last person was scare white with fright.

Your friends
Sparky & CO

Trey: Those guys. I can't wait for them to come here.

Trey then look from the letter he got to an old mansion. He is still a little concerned about the exterior, still he is approaching the mansion slowly. However, He is being watched. He has felt that & started to look around, but saw nothing. Little did he know, there was a black figure watching him from a master bedroom. A figure smile, showing her fangs. Trey open the front door, quietly creak it open & look around. He turn on his flashlight & walk in, only for the door to close by itself, only for him to turn around. He sigh & see that this place full of furniture, covered up.

Trey: Huh. Would you look at that? The place has it's own furniture. It looks old. If I find good & antique, I might be able to make some money.

Trey decided to look around the place, & it got a lot of rooms, it could be a hotel. Living room, dining room, music room, a gym, an attic, a backyard, & a bunch of bedrooms & bathrooms. There is one more room he needs to check: the master bedroom. He tried to open it, but it is lock. He sigh & try to pry it open, but it lock tight.

Trey: Ok. I need the key.

He walks away, but then the sound of the door unlocked stop him as he look at the door. He walks back to it & try to open it & it succeeds. He slowly walk in the master bedroom & it awe-inspiring. However, the figures behind slowly close the door without him knowing.

Trey: This bedroom is amazing. I wonder who is it?

???: That would be mine.

The figure push Trey onto the bed. As Trey looks up to see who it is. It is a blond beautiful woman wearing a black clothes while looking at Trey & holding him down.

???: What is your name, little boy?

Trey: Trey. & you are?

Alcuard: Alcuard.

Trey: Ok. Now what are you doing in my new mansion?

Alucard: There is two things you need to know. 1: This is my mansion. & 2: I'm a Vampire.

Trey: Uh oh. Are you going to suck my blood?

Alucard: I was, but when I saw you, I want more than to drink your blood.

Trey blushed after hearing what she said.

Trey: You mean...?

Her own seductive smile shows as she moves towards Trey & kiss him on the lips. The kiss didn't last as she went to his ear.

Alucard: Trust me on this. After I bite you, it would be the best night of your life.

She then move to his neck & found a sweet spot. She then bite his neck & started drinking his blood while putting some magic(& aphrodisiacs) into him by not feeling a thing. She stop & panted in a lustful way. Trey didn't know, but he is groping her breasts. He then proceeded to undress her while she undress him. They were naked & Trey started sucking on her nipples. Alucard couldn't wait, so she took his penis & slowly put it in. She then went all the way down, breaking her hymen, causing her to bleed. Trey look at her, but Alucard hold his face.

Alucard: Don't worry about me. Let me pleasure you.

Alucard slowly rides Trey as he is feeling how tight her pussy is. He feel the lust building up in him, so he grab Alucard's waist & move her normally. Alucard is moaning, feeling the pleasure of this. This continues when they feel their climax building up.

Trey: I'm going to cum!

Alucard heard him & wrap her legs & arm around them.

Alucard: Me too!

Trey: Wait! You will be pregnant.

Alucard: I don't care! Knock me up!

Trey had no choice but to shoot his semen inside her womb, filling her up. They lay down while Alucard is laying on his chest.

Trey: Why?

Alucard: Hmm?

Trey: Why did you made me cum inside you?

Alucard: I want to start a family with you.

Trey: Oh. Well, I love you.

Alucard: I love you too.



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