Scenario: When she is jealous...

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((Note: Alright. The first is Seryu Ubiquitous from Akame Ga Kill. Requested by VincentHardy7. Please enjoy.))

Another day, another survival in the jaegars. Somehow my girlfriend, Seryu, convince Esdeath to let me stay at the mansion. I wouldn't mind calling it, "staying" at the mansion. It's more along the lines of "living." I have gone & make friends with some. They're...... ok. Not great. Anyway, my girlfriend very.........protective when it comes to me. Safety is ok, but jealousy is another. I mean, we are the same height, but my face can cause adorable cuteness. I was working on her sword to get it in top shape when Wave shows up in my room. He look around a bit & see my room has weapon blueprints for Seryu, with the help of Dr. Stylish.

Wave: Hey, Sparky.

I was still sharpening her sword. Wave just remember something when it comes to me working. He walk to me & pull an earbud from my ear because I always listen to music when I work. I look at him.

Me: Oh, hey, Wave. What is it?

Wave: I was wondering if you can help me with getting some pieces for your new weapon.

Me: This is not something that be done.

Wave: I know.

Me: Ok. Let's go.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Seryu Ubiquitous watching Chibi Sparky

Wave & I decided to split up to get these parts until....

???: Oh, Sparky.~

Me: Dammit.

I turn around & see my ex, Chole, standing near the building

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I turn around & see my ex, Chole, standing near the building.

Chole: So, what is this, you're haven't change one bit.

Me: & What about You? Have you lost interest in that big strong minotaur?

Chole: Not even. You can tell that I was satisfied.

Me: I'm gone.

I am leaving the area & try to leave the area, but she continues to follow me. I sigh out of defeat & turn around, only to face her.

Me: What do you want?

Chole: To get you back, the sexual way.

Me: You can't. I'm taken.

Chole: scoff. By who?

I see a cannon pointing at her head. When I look at it, she then look at it too. When I see the end, I see Seryu & Koro, all buff up. I then smiled.

Seryu: By me.

Koro: Ruff!

Chole: Uhhhhhhhh...

Chole was scared. She then looks at me for a respond or an explanation.

Me: Chole. Meet Seryu Ubiquitous & Koro. She is.... my current girlfriend with an imperial arm.

Only one thing she did, & that is head for the hills. I sigh of relief as Koro swallow the cannon & change it back to her arm. She walk towards me & when she got close to me, I felt an aura from her other personality. I felt scared as I turn to my attention to her.

Me: Seryu...?

She use her arm & grab the back of my head, pulling me in.... for a kiss. I will say this, though. Us kissing is kinda like a controlling system of her unstable side. After a few seconds, we pull away for some air.

Me: Am I still in trouble?

Seryu: No. But, I need to stay with you at all times.

Me: Ok.

((DONE! This is one of many scenarios let me know what did you think. The next scenario is a lemon[🍋], but it will be about another waifu. Until then, stay shocking!!))

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