Chapter 22

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The night was beautiful.

I recognized Yona's dance all too well, and I could see the emptiness in Hak's eyes. So I decided to leave them alone, even if Hak made a move on her. I was walking around the village in silence. The villagers where all drunk or already asleep at home, so I was not in danger. But even so, I could still feel my self being watched. Not by my friend's either.

I kept my hand on my sword as I trekked the familiar paths, which I had ran across as a child. The roads I had scrambled across, clutching bread or any food I can get, and hoping to not get caught. I had been desperate enough to steal, even though the very thought of it made me sick. It was a major reason why I didn't steal anything from anyone.

But like everything, I had to be flexible. I avoided stealing, but sometime's it was an accident for instance.

The crunch of someone stepping on the road behind snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned around to find around 10 pissed off like men. Villagers...

"You, what's your name?" The closest man growled.

"Why do you care?" I asked calmly.

"If you where with the performance troupe, you would have performed" he growled.

"I'm not a performer. I take care of the performers" I said.

"That's Yoon's job" He growled.

"I help him. More specifically our leader dancer" I said.

"Don't be foolish, we recognize you Azumi" He growled. My whole body tensed as I recognized the pitch fork in his hand.

"Hmm... Who?" I asked. They all blinked, surprised.

"You!" He snapped.

"I know no one by the name of Azumi. You must be mistaking me for someone else" I smiled, cocking my head slightly.

"Your still a lying bitch!" He snarled, slashing at me with the pitch fork. I merely stepped back, it slicing past me and into the floor. Everyone blinked in surprised. I hadn't flinched in the slightest.

"How did you survive?" He snarled.

"Pardon? I just dodged" I said, frowning.

"No, the river" He growled. I sighed. My friends had spotted us. Of course, they had to see the part where the pitch fork was pointed at my throat.

"The river?" I asked.

"Stop acting clueless! You should be dead!" He roared, charging at me again. I merely side stepped.

"I still think your mistaking me" I said calmly as he stumbled behind me.

"Your the mistake of a women, Azumi, who was supposed to die 12 years ago. Now tell me, how the hell are you still alive? You where supposed to drown in that river of yours" He snarled. I sighed. I was in the hell of a talking from Yoon. Yona would feel betrayed, Hak too. I could see Shin-ha holding Zeno back out of the corner of my eye.

"Alright, I confess. I'm this Azumi you talk of" I said.

"And are you connected to the performance troupe?" He asked.

"Not at all" I replied. My friends blinked in surprise. They wouldn't get the seeds if I was connected to them... Please, at least Yoon recognize that.

"Then why where you so familiar with them before?" He growled as they slowly circled around me, pointing their pitchforks and torches at me. It was bringing back traumatic memories, but I remained calm.

"I have met them on previous occasions. It was a mere coincidence that we met here" I said.

"And what are you doing here?" He growled. 

"I came to retrieve my possessions. I saw the festival and thought I'd watched the dancer" I said, shrugging.

"Well, now that we know you are alive, we can kill you for real" he growled.

"Now, now. Calm down. Can't we talk about this?" I asked.

"You are an embarrassment to this village. Your penalty is death" He growled, pressing closer. I sighed, crossing my arms.

"Let's be mature about this. We can barter. I will leave this village, never to return. Now that I've gotten what I need, I never want to return. Now, what can I get back from this?" I asked.

"Your death" He said, pressing ever closely.

"Do you not understand what bartering is?" I asked, annoyed with this group already.

Somebody lunged and I dodged, only to fine a pitchfork right there. I threw my hand back, but the pitchfork still got my deep across the collar bone. I bit back my anger, dropping into a squat.

"Okay, so it seems I have to run" I sighed.

"Your not getting away this time" The leader growled, pointing his pitchfork at my face.

Before anyone could blink I jumped straight in the air. They all cried in surprise as I landed and this time jumped straight of their heads. My hood flew off and I cursed my stupidity. I knew I should have hid. Stuff my friend's suspicions. Please Zeno! Understand! Don't fight back!

I landed, and as soon as my toe touched the floor I was off.

"Get that mongrel!" The leader jeered, throwing his pitchfork in the air. They chased after me, but I didn't stop for a second.

I could feel memories flashing through my head, and I was struggling not to cry. On top of that  that this wound was definitely going to scar... Again... It was extremely deep. Blood poured down my chest as I lost the villagers easily, not bothering to cover my self with my hood.

I jumped straight into the woods and didn't stop. I kept on running, not stopping until the area became unfamiliar. I was no longer in their territory. But I still continued to run.

They would not give up so easily.

I ran until I physically couldn't anymore. I collapsed in the middle of the forest, panting heavily, my body ablaze. I could feel tears pouring down my cheeks, even though I was trying to control my self.

"Damn it" I growled, punching the tree. It crackled under the impact, a loud creak shifting through the area around me. Luckily, it did not fall.

I leaned against the tree, pressing against my wound to hopefully slow the flow of blood.

I was a fool. This was why I kept to my self to the shadows. This was why I didn't make friends. I was unreliable, a failure. All I achieved was shocking and worrying my friends tonight. Everyone should be thinking about Yona, being proud of her. And here I was, letting the villagers catch up to me and paying for it.

"Are you alright miss?" A familiar voice asked. I chuckled hoarsely, still struggling to catch my breath.

"Hiro, you have impeccable timing" I chuckled, turning around.

His eyes widened when he saw me.

"Azumi!" He gasped, quickly kneeling beside me.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I'm fine" I gulped, struggling to control my breathing.

"Your... Crying..." he muttered.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at Chi-shinn? Or with Geun-tae at least" I panted.

"Is that... Blood?" Hiro asked as his face went pale and he slowly retracted his hand. I got to my feet and stumbled, my head dizzy from blood loss. He caught me, lifting me up into a bridal position.

"I'll take you to the infimary" He said.

"No, you mustn't" I said, pushing against his chest weakly.

"I don't care if you abandoned us. You need healing, right now" he growled. I flinched at his words, but could already feel my self sinking into his grasp. I gripped onto his shirt, frustration filling my senses.

"I'm such an idiot..."

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