Chapter 3 - Worry

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Jäger spent the whole afternoon worried sick about his friend. He had no idea where he'd ran off to and couldn't think of any other place to look. He checked the cafeteria and the training facility but there was no sign of him anywhere. He even asked IQ if she'd seen him and a few others around the base, but nobody had a clue.

He felt sick to his stomach, worrying about Bandit. What if he hurt himself again? Or was in the corner of a room again, fast asleep with red, puffy and tear-stained eyes. He couldn't just sit in his room while his friend is out doing god knows what. He decided to search for him again.

Slipping on his shoes, he grabbed his phone in case anyone tried to contact him about his whereabouts then left his room, locking the door behind him. Dashing down the hall, he came across a guy he had talked to a couple times in the past. He was much closer to Bandit than he was to Jäger, maybe he knew where he was.

"Uh, hey! Have you seen Dom by any chance?" He spoke so fast it caught the poor guy off guard.

"Dom? Nope I don't believe I have sorry," he gave a sympathetic smile noticing the panic in Jäger's face. "I'll keep an eye out and let you know whenever I see you," he assured then patted his shoulder and left.

Jäger had no time to lose. He huffed and stormed off. Where the hell was he? Horrific thoughts flooded his mind of what trouble Bandit could have got himself into and all because of him being surprised that he actually cared about him.

Another half an hour of searching and Jäger finally gave up. At this point, all he could do was go to bed and pray he'd turn up sometimes through the night or even in the morning, not that he'd get any sleep with the amount of overwhelming anxiety flowing through him.

He got back to his room and checked his phone for the time; 11:34 pm, he really had been searching all afternoon and evening for that matter.

He entered the en-suite bathroom in his room, stripping his clothes off. He almost fell over trying to take his socks off as he was shaking so much. He rubbed the back of his neck, sore and aching, stepping into the shower. He let the piping hot water rush down his body for a few minutes not moving an inch.

Bandit better come back soon, he thought to himself as the heat of the water covered his body with chills. A few minutes later, he washed his hair then turned the faucet, stepping out into the cold. He wrapped his towel around him tightly and left the bathroom, switching off the light whilst leaving.

He pulled on some boxers, not bothered to care about his still wet hair and body then slipped into bed. An extremely difficult night was a head and he wanted to try his best to forget about Bandit and assure himself he'd be fine.


The sharp noise of Blitz's alarm clock rang through Bandit's ears waking him instantly. The noise shocked him a little and he shifted around in Blitz's bed to hit the thing a couple times, then turning back to face Blitz when he'd done so. He surprisingly was still fast asleep. His arm was wrapped tightly around Bandit's body and he snuggled in to feel his warmth.

He stared at his face, thinking of the events of the previous night. Bandit had never felt so alive and he loved the feeling to tell the truth. He knew he'd regret it someday, but it was amazing while it lasted. Blitz just felt so good and was exactly the perfect distraction he need to keep him away from his dark thoughts.

Although that sounded extremely selfish of him, he didn't care one bit. All he cared about was the fact that he managed to stay out of his thoughts whilst still having some pleasure in his dull life.

It would probably hurt Blitz a lot if he found out he used him, but if he never mentioned it, the he wouldn't find out right? He was fully aware that he was a fucked up person, but that's what he lead himself to be. It was all his fault and he'd pay the price one day, but for now, he wasn't gonna change himself for anyone. He'd accepted who he was already.

After a few more minutes of thinking to himself, he gave Blitz a little kick to his leg trying to wake him. He seemed by the cold touch of his barefoot to his skin and opened his eyes in an instant.

"Well, hey there pretty boy," he smiled and giggled, his morning voice deep and raspy making Bandit feel some type of way.

"Mornin'," he replied with a soft smile and snuggled a little closer.

"Last night was the most fun I've had in a long time, thank you for that," he chuckled and placed a light kiss to Bandit's forehead.

Usually if someone kissed you, you would blush and feel all warm inside, but Bandit felt nothing. Still his cold and empty self. He thought he must have been a little bit into Blitz, but he knew it was all lust, after all he was only a distraction for his sick mind.

Bandit felt he couldn't be in Blitz's bed no longer. He felt terrible. He didn't want to lead Blitz on and make him fall in love when he simply felt nothing back. That could destroy a person.

For the best, he decided to get up and slip his clothes on. Blitz felt a little upset that he was so quick to get up.

"Leaving already?" His smile turned to a frown as he wanted Bandit to stay. He was lonely without his roommate.

"Uh yeah, sorry I gotta check on Mari. He's probably wondering where I am," he replied honestly remembering that he left Jäger alone last night as he stormed off back to the base.

"Oh, no problem. You should check on him," he agreed although a little sad he was leaving so soon.

"Thanks for understanding, I'll catch you around," he said slipping his shoes on and giving him a wink before leaving the room.

Now to face Mari.

He would never ever want him to find out what happened last night, only god could tell how he'd react, so he'd have to play it cool and try and act like his normal self.

Heading down the hallway, he felt some anxiety as he neared his room. He took a deep breath approaching the door before knocking a couple times. A couple minutes later and the click of the door startled him. It swung open to reveal an extremely tired and blotchy-eyed looking Jäger. The sight of him crushed Bandit. What had he done?

"Oh Mari, I'm so so sorry," tears welled in his eyes as he apologised, collapsing in Jägers arms. He caught him and shut the door, holding him tightly.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" He yelled angrily beginning to cry also. Bandit had never heard him shout so loud or look so angry before. What did he do to his happy Mari? The guilt ate away at him as Jäger held him close.

"I-I stayed with Blitz for the n-night," he trembled, choking on his words. "I couldn't face you after storming off, I felt so bad," he sniffled.

"Dom," he paused, lifting his chin up with his finger to look him in the eyes. "You could have told me where you were going, do you know how much I've searched for you?! I've been worried sick about you." He cried even harder.

Bandit was crushed. He hurt his friend and now he had to pay. He'd hurt himself later to make up for it.

"I'm so sorry, please please forgive me," he begged crying into Jäger's shoulder. Jäger held him closer.

"Of course I forgive you stupid boy," a spot of happiness appeared on Bandit's face as he sprung up in surprise. "You mean the world to me and I hate to see you upset or mad at me," he admitted.

"I promise I'll never do such a thing again!" He lied. Of course he was gonna do things. He was a horrible person, impossible to fix at this point. He didn't even know why Jäger stuck around him.

"Thank you Dom," his reply was choked, trying to swallow the lump formed in his throat. He lead Bandit over to his bed to sit down. They sat in silence for a moment. Jäger's arm wrapped around Bandit as his head rested on his firm shoulder. Both sobbing quietly for two different reasons.

Jäger felt relief that his friend finally returned unharmed and Bandit felt depressed that he'd lied and hurt his friend making him worry and keeping the events of last night a secret.

All he saw himself as was a filthy human being and a dirty liar.

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