Chapter 20 - Moonlight

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After a night of chatting, eating and drinking the guys were all worn out. Doc and Tachanka were drunk off their faces, not to Jäger's surprise. Jackal had a few to drink but the alcohol didn't affect him that much, he was merely tipsy. Jäger on the other hand really didn't feel like waking up with a hangover, hours before their mission. He stuck to some cola or lemonade.

Through out the night, Jäger noticed many things that really stuck around in his mind. Jackal and Doc's devilish smirks and mysterious looks, the way they both had their eyes on him for most of the night. Not that he minded the attention either, he felt quite proud actually that he was able to have two boys googly eye over him. Although, it was still weird.

After they left the restaurant, Jäger wrapped and arm around Tachanka and let him lean against his body for support. The poor guy was so drunk he could barely walk on his own. As they headed down the side walk, he repeatedly tripped over his own feet causing Jäger to stumble a little also. Without his support he'd be flat out on his face with a busted nose or something of the sort.

The walk back wasn't long, they chatted a little on the way but it was difficult to Jäger to understand what they were saying most of the time, their thick accents mixing with the slurring of their drunken words. He just hummed in response to most of the things they said, he didn't have a clue.

When arriving back at the base, they said their goodbyes before heading off to their rooms. Jäger giggled as he saw the drunken Russian man clutching on to Doc's arm like his life depended on it. He gave Jackal a small smile before turning on his heel and heading down the hallway. Jackal returned the smile as he left.

When he got back to his room, he noticed Bandit asleep on the couch. He must've woken up from his nap to watch tv then fell asleep again. Kicking his boots off, he grinned at his lover's peaceful expression. He truly was gorgeous, his handsome face precious when he slept. The moonlight spilled into the room through the slightly closed blinds and illuminated his pale face. All his features were highlighted perfectly and Jäger felt himself fall in love all over again. He took gentle steps over to the couch, not wanting to wake the German beauty.

Tugging his jacket off, he tossed it on the coffee table then scooped a hand under Bandit's back gently and another under his legs. Lifting his boyfriend, he was surprised by his lightness. It was probably because his lack of eating and all the weight he lost from his depressed days. It could also be because he's never lifted him like this before, probably because he is the bottom in the relationship and he wasn't ashamed to admit that.

Carrying his lover, he entered their room. Instead of setting Bandit down on his own bed, Jäger set him on his bed instead. He really wanted to feel the warmth of his boyfriend next to him. After gently setting him down, he pulled the covers back from under him. He pulled his jeans off and the shirt wrapped around his waist, then tugged his socks off whilst holding onto the nightstand for support. He really couldn't be bothered to change, so his shirt and boxers would do for the night.

Slipping in, he pulled the covers over them wrapping an arm around his gorgeous boyfriend. He brought Bandit's face into his chest and kissed him lightly on the head. Feeling the warmth radiating from Bandit, he took a sigh of contentment. Everything was perfect.

Deciding he wanted to feel even closer to his boyfriend if it was even possible, he wrapped his legs around his tangling them up until all he could feel was Bandit. A smirk arose to his face as he felt his lover's bulge against his thigh. Trying not to get turned on, he kissed his cheek and closed his eyes. A sudden gasp of surprise from the feeling of Bandit's cold foot touching his leg escaped his lips, but soon he relaxed actually enjoying the feeling.

It was sad for Jäger to think that this could actually be their last night together, there was no denying that. They could only hope for the best in that their missions go successfully and everyone makes it out safe and sound. There's always a chance something could go wrong, but with the many years he's spent with Six, he trusted them with his life. They always called the right shots and were ready for any type of trouble.

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