Chapter 18 - Ropes

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After the briefing was over the teams were assigned to certain sections of the training area. They would then rotate sections after a certain amount of time to ensure everyone has had the same amount of training ready for their missions.

One by one, each team left the room and went down the hall to the training area. Jäger gave Bandit a weak smile as he left. Bandit didn't trust him and Jackal being on the same team. He had a feeling in his gut that something terrible was going to happen. The worst part was, if something were to happen, he wouldn't be able to prevent it. The whole team thing was going to be extremely tough.

Soon after Bandit and his team left, it was Jäger and his team's turn to leave. They each got up and exited. Doc and Tachanka walked ahead while Jackal was right behind them, Jäger lingered behind not wanting to get too close to him. Jackal noticed this as he turned to look at the nervous boy. He was so adorable to Jackal and his shyness really got him going. He really wanted to slam him against the wall and rip his clothes off right there. Obviously he couldn't.

He stopped in his tracks so Jäger would catch up then he snaked an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer. Jäger gulped nervously and tried to distance himself, but he'd feel bad if he just broke the embrace so he just left him hold him close. He wasn't complaining either and that's what worried Jäger. He knew he liked Jackal and he couldn't help that, but it made him feel so guilty as he thought about his poor Bandit. Having no idea what to do he just sighed and relaxed from his tense state as they continued down the hall.

"Don't worry. I promise we'll have some fun," Jackal smiled lifting Jäger's chin with his free hand. Jäger stared into his mysterious dark eyes and was mesmerised by their beauty. Slowly he felt himself falling for this guy and he was scared. He didn't want to hurt his baby, but he had no control over his feelings.

Jäger broke away from the gaze and just stared ahead. The more interactions like that they'd have, the more he knew he'd fall for him. Never would he want to cheat on his boyfriend, it would crush him.

Upon arriving the training area, he shook his thoughts from his mind. The president assigned them to their first section of the training. They headed outside to where an obstacle course laid before them. The sun was slowly setting over the base and the sky was painted in strips of yellows, oranges and pinks. Its peacefulness made Jäger feel a lot calmer inside.

"Now operators, this is an obstacle course set to test your agility and strategising skills. It is important that each of you cooperate to complete this course. Whenever you're ready, you have half an hour." The president announced then turned on her heels and headed back into the main training area.

"Tachanka you're with me. Jackal work with Jäger," Doc commanded, clearly taking the role of the leader. Jäger trusted him as a leader more than the other two anyways. He just seemed like he knew what he was doing and was confident in that role.

Jäger gulped as him and Jackal headed over to the climbing obstacles, working with Jackal could potentially ruin everything for him. There was some sort of flimsy wood wall that was clearly wearing away and two windows. Against the wall was too rappelling ropes that they'd have to use in order to climb through the windows. Jäger assumed they'd just have to rappel back down the other side after.

Jackal headed over to the ropes. Jäger stood uncomfortably behind him, subconsciously staring at his ass. How could you blame him? It was an amazing ass. He bent down and Jäger almost choked, feeling his pants grow tighter. He couldn't help it. Jackal was so attractive. It was killing him.

After retrieving the ropes, he headed back over to Jäger, noticing his red face. He wondered why he seemed so embarrassed. He felt like messing with him a little, this was finally his chance to get closer to Jäger.

Jäger held his hand out expecting Jackal to place a rope in it, but instead he linked their fingers and brought them to his side. Jäger blushed furiously and Jackal smirked. He tossed a rope to the ground and Jäger stared at him confused. Stepping closer to Jäger so that their chests were inches from touching he reached down to his belt and tugged on it lightly. He desperately wanted to yank the thing off, but now wasn't the time. Pushing the clip of the rope in with his thumb he attached to Jäger's belt and let it drop, still holding his hand in his own.

Jäger looked down at their hands embarrassed. He loved the feeling of Jackal's in his. His hands were so muscular and warm. He'd love to feel them exploring his body. With that he shook his head slightly, snapping out of his little fantasy before he delved too deep. He couldn't be thinking of Jackal this way.

Jackal smirked again and placed a quick kiss to his already bright red cheek. It was a tiny peck, no longer than half a second, but Jäger loved it.

"You're so cute you know that?" Jackal admitted with a slight blush that surprised Jäger. He was so confident and self assured, was he actually letting his soft side out? He let their hands separate once he noticed they were still linked. Jäger's felt cold and empty in a way without Jackal's in his.

"Um, thank you," Jäger paused thinking of what to say next. He may regret this; "I know I have a boyfriend and everything, but I think you're really attractive." Jäger admitted with a blush and stared at his feet not wanting to know Jackal's reaction.

Jackal blushed and smiled. He was genuinely happy that Jäger felt that way about him. He had a feeling he liked him, but he never thought he'd actually admit it.

If he could get Bandit out of the picture, then they'd be free to do whatever they wanted. He had to make sure that happened. He was determined to.

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